'Blood Pressure Highs and Lows'

Blood Pressure Highs and Lows

What is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure? What happens when the numbers are similar?

Nutrition 'Is Your Body Craving B12?'

Is Your Body Craving B12?

Animal products provide optimum food sources for vitamin B12. But not just vegans are at risk. Learn the symp­toms of deficiency and how to maintain peak levels for better health.

Dermatology 'What Grows Thinner Over Time?'

What Grows Thinner Over Time?

Generally, it is not our waistline that thins as we age. Depending on genes and gender, another type of thinning may be inevitable.

Neurology 'What Can People Get On That Runs Through You?'

What Can People Get On That Runs Through You?

Sometimes it is not just people. Delays, bills, even this question might get on yours.

Addictions 'You Are Probably Addicted to This'

You Are Probably Addicted to This

Addiction is not limited to injections imbibitions or inhalations. It includes tech­nology and health obsessions. Researchers say everybody is addicted to something. Learn why you can’t put it down.

Technology 'CT and PET Scan vs MRI'

CT and PET Scan vs MRI

Outdated: MRI can be a figurative black hole into which a patient may be inserted to see what comes out. This article elucidates differences between common imaging technologies.

Nutrition 'Urine Color With Vitamin B12'

Vitamin B12 Stains Your Undies

B12 supplements and foods high in B12 can tint urine orange to green. Despite side effects, vitamin B12 offers these health benefits.

Immunology 'Are You More Afraid of the Shot Than the Flu?'

More Afraid of the Shot Than the Flu

A “successful” personal flu battle can last about six weeks. Less successful bouts lead to hospitalizations or worse.

Fitness 'How to Track Your Steps With Your iPhone'

How to Track Your Steps With Your iPhone

While research suggests a beneficial increase to 15,000 steps per day, a longstanding goal of 10,000 is common. How can you begin keeping track?

Rheumatology 'Sjögren’s Syndrome: Pain Beyond Tears'

Sjögren’s Syndrome: Pain Beyond Tears

Sjögren’s syndrome is often confused with dry eye syndrome. If it was just diminished tears, Sjögren’s syndrome might benefit solely from eye drops. This medical condition affects multiple organs.

Dermatology 'Avoid These Mistakes If You Get Burned'

Avoid These Mistakes If You Get Burned

The thought of being burned is so repulsive that few prepare for the inevitability. Learn what to do and not do in a medical emergency.

Nutrition 'Foods That Help Insomniacs Sleep'

Foods That Help Insomniacs Sleep

Sleep disorders are common. Learn how a nutritionist developed insomnia and discovered natural methods to combat it.


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