Ketamine therapy for mental health is a ‘Wild West’ for both doctors and patients. Discover the pros and cons of this controversial treatment.

Higher Female Alcohol Mortality
Alcohol-related deaths for women surge compared with men. What is the correlation between body types and methods of consumption?

Are video games replacing reading? Does technology rule your life or do you and your family relegate it to a subservient role?

LSD Unfair Creative Advantage?
For more than half a century, mind-altering psychedelic drugs have played a significant role in artistic perception. What new trends affect your creative aspirations?

What turns you on? Is it something normally unrelated to intimacy? How does a fetish develop and how can negative consequences be averted?

You Can’t Compete With Bulimia
Binging and purging to maintain a comfortable appearance is not a strategy. It is a health problem.

Cutting Pattern of Self-Injury
Are you prone to cut, burn, or hurt yourself in other ways to cope with emotional stresses? Help is available before it becomes a pattern.

There are several causes for eating disorders. The solution to anorexia nervosa is not as simple as eating more. Anorexics are trying to look normal.

Vaping vs Tobacco Smoking Risks
While doctors struggle to get air into the lungs of COVID-19 patients, smokers intentionally reduce their capacity. But lungs are not the only harm.

You might respond negatively if someone asks if are you a smoker. But if you are frequently around smoking, do your lungs know the difference?

Snapping self-photos can become addictive. How do you know when it has gotten out of control?
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