
Alfredo Herbada has a PhD in biophysics with background as a bilingual researcher at the Faculty of Psychology of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
20 articles reviewed by: Alfredo Herbada, PhD
'Adult Effects When Sexually Abused As Child'
Mental health

Surviving Sexual Abuse

Some survivors of child­hood sexual abuse can function well in society. Others deal with psycho­lo­gi­cal, physical, and behavioral symptoms.

Mental health 'Help For Bipolar Disorder'

Gain Control of Bipolar Disorder

Uncontrollable outbursts or hyper­activity contrasting periods of depression could be signs of mental illness for which treatment is available.

Mental health 'Coronavirus Fatigue vs Pandemic Fatigue'

Cope With Pandemic Fatigue

Outdated: With or without a COVID-19 diagnosis, your sleep may not be rejuvenating, you have cognitive dysfunction, and little strength to accomplish physical tasks.

Emotions 'Coping With Emotions During Pandemic'

Pandemic Emotional Toil

What happens when anxiety over­takes a signifi­cant portion of the popula­tion? If you are feeling over­whelmed, reach out for help before it escalates.

Nutrition 'How Much Is Enough Protein?'

Consume Enough Protein

Based on a research study, there may be a direct correlation between protein consumption, muscle atrophy and obesity.

Nutrition '9 Reasons You May Feel Fatigued'

Tired of Fatigue

With the general lack of stamina, many do not have access to affordable healthcare. What’s the difference between normal tiredness and fatigue?

Mental health 'Managing Your Obsessions'

Managing Your Obsessions

Learn to prioritize. With cognitive beha­vioral therapy, this is possible for those with OCPD and to a lesser degree for someone with OCD.

Emotions 'Tired of Depression'

Tired of Depression

To keep you from spiraling down a path of drug depen­dency or abuse, doctors hesi­tate to pre­scribe sleep aids. Instead, they recommend talk therapy.

Prescriptions 'Consequences of Living With Pain Relievers'

Living With Pain Relievers is Not Entirely Pain-Free

Are you depen­dent upon pain relievers to per­form daily tasks? Untreated chronic pain can have dan­ger­ous physi­cal and emo­tional conse­quences.

Endocrinology 'Break the Biological Weight Barrier'

Break the Biological Weight Barrier

Scientists believe each indivi­dual has a genetically dete­rmined weight range. Do physio­logi­cal chemi­cals or meta­bolic syn­drome hinder weight loss?

Neurology 'Can Psychology Help Chronic Pain?'

Cope With Psychology of Chronic Pain

Coping with chronic pain that alters how you live your daily life can transcend the care medical doctors provide.

Orthopedics 'Alternatives to Knee Replacement'

Alternatives to Knee Replacement

It is tempting to beg a doctor to remove aching by any means possible. Any discomfort felt before surgery is multiplied during rehabilitation


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