
Enjoy free fictional short story episodes each week. Membership unlocks a library of emotionally immersive and interactive experiences with images, audio, and music.
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95 Premiere Novellas
Drama 'Father with biracial daughter'

Raising Biracial Child Alone

Follow Raymond on his transformative journey as he navigates the challenges of single parenthood with love, understanding, and community support.

Thriller 'Female driving jeep'

Three Ticks From Death

Premiere: Can it be a coincidence that a woman is three times just three minutes away from a horrific event? One detective has suspicions.

Scifi 'Colorful cyborg female reclining (ai)'

Cybernetic Genocide

In this heart-pumping sci-fi story of sentient beings, will the SSAS succeed in their revolt against the dystopian patriarchy endangering mankind?

Drama 'Male hooded street fighter'

Smackdown Defense

Premiere: In a journey from peace to turmoil, join Marcus, a former fighter, as he navigates legal nightmares and criminal accusations, driven by an unwavering pursuit of justice.

Scifi 'Elderly man holding smartphone'

Exhausting Existence

A balanced view of population control requires people to forfeit their lives prematurely. One man must make a case for his existence.


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Thriller 'Ambitious lady looking up in city (ai)'

Only When Alone

Premiere: In a race against time and hidden threats, a young woman’s desperate choices lead to unexpected twists in a world that tests her survival skills.

Scifi 'Man viewing computer at night'

An Author’s Eraser

A man’s hidden power to erase adversaries leaves a trail of consequences. Reflect on the consequences before your next malevolent encounter.

Romance 'Art students classroom'

Monocular Tutor

Premiere: An adolescent life, complicated by a series of bad decisions in the name of love, has far-reaching consequences in this romance miniseries.

Scifi 'Android female pair (ai)'

Think Outside the Box

Experience the thrill of a story that explores the dangers of artificial intelligence. Join Alicia in her quest to build a machine that forever changes the world.

Scifi 'Female troubled by facial acne'

Demodex Dermal Disaster

Premiere: A tiny mite becomes the biggest threat to humanity in a sci-fi story about obsession, infection, and the fight for survival.

Drama 'Contemplative teenage boy'

Multipod Decision

A teenager reaches a pivotal moment in his education and seeks advice from school counselors and family, uncovering an unknown trait.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

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