A mysterious woman coaxes a successful businessman into a relationship that raises eyebrows after nuptials.
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Building an Empire
KYLE is an ambitious man who grew from humble beginnings. His blue-collar jobs led to his becoming an assembly worker. Over many years, he became a foreman and then a manager. In his 40s, he took over the 6-person company that manufactures mechanical parts.
With the onus of generating enough work for the many families he employs, he has little time to search for a life partner. His list of things to accomplish before marriage is long enough to last him until he reaches age 60.
Bethany has been working at the company for six months as his administrative assistant. She wants to fast-track his plans.
“Hey, Beth, is the appointment calendar on my phone complete for next week?”
“Yes, that’s everything—except one suggestion.”
“You have that curious look in your eye. Spill the beans.”
“There’s someone I think you should meet.”
“Is it a potential contract?”
“That’s up to you. I have a girlfriend with an interest in you.”
“What’s with all the secrecy? Does she need parts, or are you playing matchmaker?”
“Let me put a lunch meeting on your calendar and you decide.”
The moment he sets eyes on beautiful Ginny, he wonders where she has been all his life. While munching on Cobb Salads, Kyle learns everything he can about this beautiful young woman.
“I must admit that this meeting has caught me completely off guard—in a good way. Instead of discussing injection-molded plastic fasteners, we are talking about the ideal time to raise a family.”
“Bethany clued me in, saying your obsession with secular work masks your potential to become a family man.”
“Guilty as charged. However, both are important to me.”
Innocent lunches progress to romantic dinners and a tour of his manufacturing empire. There are noisy conveyor belts and vacuum pumps moving parts along assembly lines. The shipping department crates up huge boxes with destinations all over the world.
Because she works in the insurance industry, Ginny offers suggestions to make sure Kyle has adequate coverage.
“Too many small successful business owners fail to name a successor or take out adequate life insurance to keep the company running.”
“Let me know what you recommend and I’ll have Bethany get to work on it.”
“You appear to be a good delegator.”
The next morning, Kyle sees Bethany in Ginny’s car chatting across the street. Their conversation ends with smiles and an embrace.
Comfortably Close
When Bethany enters, Kyle asks her to step into his quiet office behind vertical blinds.
“Were you and Ginny discussing the insurance adjustments?”
“Yes, she pointed out some glaring omissions that I will prepare for your signatures.”
“I didn’t realize you two were so close.”
“She has been like a mentor to me since college. Because of our closeness, she privately shared something that should interest you.”
“Can you tell me what it is?”
“Well, she has really fallen for you, but is concerned that your focus on business might not align with her biological clock. She wants to start a family right away.”
“I must watch what I say to you since you seem to be a double agent.”
Throwing Rice
Kyle is now confident that Ginny will accept his proposal. To maintain the element of surprise, Kyle begins making preliminary wedding arrangements via an online website. It suggests ways to pop the question.
On a sunset harbor yacht cruise, with wine and pheasant, Ginny accepts his engagement ring. Kyle shows Bethany the website and has her complete the wedding arrangements, which includes her being the maid of honor. The only complaint from Kyle is the wedding photos obscure the bride’s face.
After the honeymoon, suspicions mount. Ginny behaves differently than before. She’s more careless about business matters and lacks the urgency to start a family. Kyle pulls Bethany aside in his office for advice.
“I can’t thank you enough for introducing me to Ginny. I am adjusting to married life. However, I must admit that she doesn’t seem the same as before.”
Bethany suggests, “We look at people with rose-colored glasses during an engagement. True personalities manifest after marriage, testing the strength of a couple’s love.”
Casting Suspicions
He shrugs off personality inconsistencies, following her advice to persevere. After several months of adaptation, he believes there are answers to discover within Ginny’s personal belongings.
When he finds a gun case with a silencer, he believes he’s married an assassin. Perhaps the marriage is a cover to get closer to her target. But he can’t think of anyone he knows who is worth assassinating.
Without mentioning that he looked inside her private case, Kyle suggests that they go to a shooting range. She is agreeable, shooting much better than him. The results are not reassuring. Now, he believes he is the target.
As he digs into her background, there is no record of her employment in the insurance industry. The only person who can provide any insight is Bethany. So he sets up a private lunch with her on a golf course restaurant patio under serene blue skies.
“I have concerns about Ginny.”
“Is there something wrong with her health?”
“No, nothing like that. How well do you know her?”
“Better than most people. I told you we went to college together.”
“Well, then, has she ever done anything suspicious?”
“This mysterious lunch date is getting more bizarre by the minute. What are you trying to tell me?”
“I joked about you being a double agent earlier, but I think I married someone who might be a spy or an assassin.”
“What on earth gave you that idea?”
“We are here for the privacy. So what I say is for your ears only. I found an assassin’s gun in her belongings.”
“ Really?” Bethany raises an eyebrow with a rapid heartbeat. “What did she say about it?”
“She doesn’t know, but when you combine that with her odd behavior, I think she plans to kill me.”
“The solution to your paranoia is to go on a vacation together. It should help both of you to act more like yourselves.”
“Maybe, but if anything happens to me, at least you know where to point the finger.”
“After your vacation, consider becoming a stand-up comedian with your imagination. If you’ll excuse me, I need to go powder my nose.”
At a distance, Kyle sees Bethany on the phone in a heated discussion before returning to the table. At home that evening, he asks Ginny for vacation suggestions. His uneasiness becomes apparent when she mentions secluded excursions like hiking or ship cruises where he might end up overboard. They table the discussion.
A Hostile Takeover
Kyle’s discovery of the gun and silencer elevates the severity of his situation. Suspecting that his life is in danger, he decides to take matters into his own hands.
Within a month, Kyle mysteriously vanishes, never again reporting to work. Ginny tells investigators that she was out of town at the time. There is no sign of foul play, and his phone and car remain at the house. Police interview Kyle’s employees, but no one reports anything suspicious. Bethany becomes interim CEO and meets at Ginny’s home.
“You tied this up better than I could imagine. Do you want to tell me where the body is?”
“This wasn’t me.”
Bethany reacts with a tense alarm. “What do you mean?”
“I didn’t complete the plan. He actually vanished!”
“That means he could come back, right?”
“If he does, I’ll waste no time finishing the job.”
“It takes seven years for the insurance company to presume Kyle dead and pay the settlement.”
“Either he fled for good because of his suspicion, or he will return for more money. While we wait for the insurance payout, we can enjoy your CEO salary.”
Without their knowledge, on the other side of the world, Kyle emerges from one of his shipping crates. Inside, he built a makeshift living space equipped with essentials for survival, including a breathing apparatus and supplies.
After a daring escape, Kyle emerges with a determination to bring Ginny and Bethany to justice. He conducts continues his investigation online while abroad, gathering information and building his case remotely.
Kyle learns that the team has extorted money from several other companies. He then re-enters the country and hires a team of lawyers. His surprise attack exposes their crimes and leaves them powerless.
With Ginny and Bethany behind bars, Kyle’s ordeal comes to an end. He emerges victorious, outwitting his adversaries and securing his freedom. Kyle reclaims his life and business, eventually finding true love without anyone else’s suggestions.
The End
Return twice weekly for miniseries. Any relation to actual persons or events is coincidental. Login provides the most immersive experience. About 1400 total words.