ED Solutions Beyond Testosterone and Pills
Unravel the facts about testosterone, sildenafil, and holistic approaches to tackle the erectile dysfunction challenge head-on.

New Lift for Enlarged Prostate
Are you a mature man suffering from an enlarged prostate? Learn about the UroLift System, a game-changing treatment for BPH symptoms.

Would you like to maintain a healthy urinary tract? Check out these simple tips for preventing infections and promoting overall urinary health.

Organically occurring within many foods you eat, too many oxalates can lead to health problems. Discuss these oxalate-reduction strategies with a medical professional.

Kidney Stone Diagnosis Complications
Simple tasks like lifting boxes, rising out of bed, or putting on socks became a test of endurance. Why has this baffled doctors for years?

Patients might liken kidney stone pain to having a bullet lodged within them. Yet, treatment varies for the two scenarios.

After several accidental leaks, you may be wondering if you’re developing incontinence and whether there are precautions to prevent or reverse it.

California Urges At-Home STI Tests
California has become the first state to require health insurance to cover at-home tests for sexually transmitted infections such as HIV, chlamydia, and syphilis.

If you notice significant reduction in the amount of semen or none at all, urology specialists will differentiate EDO from retrograde ejaculation.

A man discovers an unsettling sight during a bathroom visit that leads to a sequence of rapid medical events with laggard resolution.

Severe dehydration, trauma, and other conditions can lead to kidney failure. Dialysis is an interim procedure until a kidney transplant is available.
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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.