Fed up with a desert-like mouth? Dive into our quirky guide and discover the secrets to banishing oral dryness for good. Ahem. Ready to explore?

Do you need to visit the dentist if you brush and floss regularly? Read about the importance of dental visits.

Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Solution
Hospital-acquired pneumonia is killing patients. Yet there is a simple way to stop it.

Early oral cancer symptoms are often unnoticed. Late-stage throat cancer symptoms like hoarseness or persistent coughing require immediate evaluation.

Most people get two sets of natural teeth in a lifetime. Because of different jaw sizes, a normal amount of teeth can overcrowd some mouths.

When you smile, are more gums than teeth showing? Too much gum exposure is subject to infection. Consider the range of treatment options available.

There are many reasons for smiles diminishing as we mature. Try these methods of maintaining or improving the appearance of your smile.

Done correctly, tongue scraping does more than freshen your breath. It enhances the flavor of foods.

Preconceived notions cause some medical professionals to take umbrage at the sight of their beloved scrubs walking about in public.

Walk into a dentist office while hiding an embarrassing smile and walk out ready to audition for a toothpaste commercial. Which cosmetic dental technique is more natural and durable?

Few people exhibit geographic tongue. Can anything be done about the loss of papillae manifesting this irregular appearance on your tongue surface? Is it a serious health problem?

When eyes are so dry they hurt and vision is blurred, it’s wise to seek an eye care professional. Patient response to antibiotics may help diagnose this autoimmune disorder.
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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.