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44 articles tagged Pulmonology
'Hand holding vaccine vial'

New Vaccine Era

A new era of vaccines leaves old questions about prices unanswered.

Pulmonology 'Lady sick with flu'

Effective Flu Remedies

A flu vaccine can prevent or lessen effects this season. Here are helpful suggestions if you find yourself with debilitating symptoms.

Pulmonology 'Female on sofa coughing into elbow'

Who is At Risk for RSV?

A little-known respiratory infection called RSV causes thousands of annual hospitalizations.

Pulmonology 'Patient holding thermometer during medical videoconference'

Distinguish Flu, Bronchitis, Pneumonia

If you never catch the flu in your lifetime, it’s a miracle. But if you contract influenza, or something similar, have an immediate action plan.

Pulmonology 'Female brushing teeth'

Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Solution

Hospital-acquired pneumonia is killing patients. Yet there is a simple way to stop it.

Oncology 'Masked man colored lighting'

When Coughs Become Cancerous

Early oral cancer symp­toms are often unnoticed. Late-stage throat cancer symp­toms like hoarse­ness or persis­tent cough­ing require immedi­ate evaluation.

Otolaryngology 'Snoring couple in bed'

Snoring: More Than a Sleep Irritant

Snoring can be more than an irritant to your sleeping partner. It might also signal a dangerous condition called sleep apnea.

Pulmonology 'Avoid Recirculated Air'

Avoid Recirculated Air

Outdated: Avoid recirculated air within business buildings and inside automobiles under these conditions.

Pulmonology 'Four people lowering face masks'

Breathe Easier With Vaccine

Outdated: As the coronavirus vaccine trickles down to the masses, you might exhale a sigh of relief. But remem­ber, we are not out of the woods.

Fitness 'Woman deep breath'

Ways To Increase Lung Capacity

You can increase lung capa­city for run­ning, swim­­ming underwater, and other forms of physi­cal fitness. More capa­city is also useful for rehabi­litation.

Pulmonology 'Woman smoking cigarette'

Vaping vs Tobacco Smoking Risks

While doctors struggle to get air into the lungs of COVID-19 patients, smokers inten­tion­ally reduce their capacity. But lungs are not the only harm.

Immunology 'More Names For Covid'

Popular Covid Names

Depending upon how close you have become with the disease, like many people, you may adopt more casual names for 2019 Coronavirus Disease.


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