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Understanding and Navigating Breast Cancer
Navigating a breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. Learn about genetic testing and targeted therapies in your journey to empowerment and healing.

New Normal After Cancer Treatment
This orientation provides comfort to patients undergoing cancer treatment, which affects their physical, neurological, and emotional health.

Interview With Stage 4 Kidney Cancer
She’s 31, has stage 4 kidney cancer — and talked openly about it during a job interview. Here’s what happened.

Hysterectomy For Uterine Cancer
When a cervical endoscopy of the uterus reveals a polyp, the patient braces herself for an explanation of three types of hysterectomy.

Bloodless Leukemia Treatment Options
Leukemia treatment typically involves stem cell and blood transfusion. These transfusion-free options offer hope for this cancer of the blood.

Your liver is an essential resilient organ. But with years of abuse, it can show signs of wear or even fail. Learn options for treating liver disease.

Early oral cancer symptoms are often unnoticed. Late-stage throat cancer symptoms like hoarseness or persistent coughing require immediate evaluation.

Uterine Cancer Patients Closer to 9/11 Benefits
Advisory committee approved recommendation to add uterine cancer to the list of diseases covered for people in the vicinity of 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Why Breast Milk is The Best Formula
Packaged formula for newborn babies saves time for mothers with secular careers. Here are ways and reasons to provide breast milk even with a busy schedule.

You can’t turn back time to when hair dangled past your shoulders. But you can turn envious heads when entering a room with a shaved head or short haircut.

The AAD recommends annual full-body examinations for new moles or unexplained blemishes. When do moles warrant further investigation?

You might respond negatively if someone asks if are you a smoker. But if you are frequently around smoking, do your lungs know the difference?
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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.