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124 articles tagged Nutrition
'Female preparing kombucha'

Eat a Variety of Foods for Gut Health

Explore the benefits of diverse foods that boost gut health. Learn how varied diets promote gut flora diversity and support overall well-being.

Food 'Steaming cup of coffee (ai)'

Is Decaffeinated Coffee Safe?

If you love coffee or have an interest in reducing caffeine consumption, you might share similar concerns as the FDA.

Urology 'Man curling weight flexing bicep'

ED Solutions Beyond Testosterone and Pills

Unravel the facts about testosterone, sildenafil, and holistic approaches to tackle the erectile dysfunction challenge head-on.

Internist 'Fatigued man on sofa'

Understanding Rhabdomyolysis

Empower yourself with knowledge about rhabdomyolysis and its impact on your health to prevent and manage this serious condition.

Nutrition 'School lunch milk'

Dairy Clash With Schools Over Milk

Got milk in school? Farmers fight health advocates over the creamy ‘whole’ variety. The backstory of school lunch milk is nauseating.

Nutrition 'Cheese and nuts'

Calcium-Oxalate Binding

Dietary factors play a crucial role in kidney stone formation. Discover how calcium-oxalate binding can help prevent the most common type of stones.

Clinical science 'Small chocolate cake'

Sweet Tragedy

Clinical research reveals a significant correlation between cardiac events and a popular zero-calorie sweetener called erythritol.

Gastroenterology 'Depressed female at bar with alcohol glass'

Higher Female Alcohol Mortality

Alcohol-related deaths for women surge compared with men. What is the correlation between body types and methods of consumption?

Nutrition 'Blonde girl eating watermelon on beach to help maintain healthy body weight'

Help Children Have Healthy Weight

Obesity is a serious issue that's affecting more and more kids. That’s why it’s crucial to help children maintain a healthy body weight.

Food 'Gusto Green Squash Blossom pizza'

Best Southern California Vegan Cuisine

Take a tour with me to some of the most highly regarded vegan restaurants in Southern California. Do they dazzle or disappoint?

Nutrition 'Organic vegetables'

Eating Well with Kidney Disease

Millions of people with chronic kidney disease must alter their diets. This can be daunting and requires assistance from medical professionals.

Nutrition 'Chile relleno'

Low-Oxalate Dinner Recipes

These hearty recipes focus on low oxalates without compromising flavor and meal variety.


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