
Avoid These Snack Combos

Fruit and yogurt parfaits

Certain snack combinations are not just unhealthy, some are dangerous. Take a look at some popular cravings killers.

Snack Time

When do you enjoy snacking? Perhaps it’s during a movie or ballgame. Perhaps you curb your appetite between meals with crunchy snacks in your desk drawer. Healthy snacks include things like fresh fruit, carrots, or celery. Often, flavor is the compelling factor and grocery shelves serve up many options.

Did you know that manufacturers combine enticing flavors with insatiableness? In other words, the empty calories do not satisfy food cravings. So you can continue eating well beyond the published serving size.

As mentioned, there are healthy options, but here are some egregious offending combinations you should avoid.

Soda with Sweets

Sodas contain the equivalent of many teaspoons of sugar. When you combine this with candy or pastries, you get a sugar overload. Symptoms can include a brief energy boost followed by fatigue. Extra calories also contribute to visceral fat.

Pizza with Soda

The high amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and starch requires significant bodily energy to digest. Sugar, or anything with high-fructose corn syrup, hinders this by slowing down the digestive process.

Mints with Soda

Perhaps you have seen videos of the explosive reaction of Mentos plus colas. Combining mint with aerated drinks can produce cyanide in your stomach at certain proportions.

Yogurt with Fruit

When yogurt comes in contact with acidic fruit, it diminishes digestive fibers and produces toxins. It can also lead to cold allergies.

Beans and Cheese

Avoid mixing beans with dairy. This staple of Mexican cuisine can lead to gas, bloating, and other digestive issues.

Anything with Saccharin

Saccharin is a sugar substitute with links to obesity and cancer.

There are many other questionable food combinations like milk and bananas, pasta and tomatoes, bacon and eggs, fish and milk, or burgers and fries.

Digestion is a complex autonomic process. It involves draining the liquid from the stomach and converting the solids to a yogurt consistency. This moves through other areas of the digestive tract for the extraction of essential nutrients before eliminating the wastes.

With many food allergies and cautionary combinations, many Asian restraints limit ingredients. Perhaps you notice that green beans, broccoli, and other vegetables are often separate dishes.

So what is a safe way to curb between-meal cravings? Water is your best beverage choice. Also, reach for whole fruit and vegetables instead of fruit-flavored snacks.

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