Mental health

Healing Trauma with EDMR Therapy

Female lying on pillow holding her head

Unlock healing with EMDR therapy. Conquer trauma and find clarity. Discover how it works and find support today.

Difficult to Cope

Has a traumatic memory remained fresh, as if it happened yesterday? This feeling could mean that the memory hasn’t been adequately sorted out in your brain. That’s where Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy comes in. It’s a novel therapy that allows people to deal with troubling memories and experiences.

What EMDR Does

EMDR works by getting both sides of your brain to communicate better. It does this through things like eye movements, tapping, or sounds. These actions help your brain process the memories more healthily.

How EMDR Works

In an EMDR session, your therapist will guide you through remembering a formidable memory. Then, they’ll help you think about it in a new way while doing the eye movements or tapping. This trains your brain to form new connections and feel better about the memory over time.

Different Ways Your Brain Processes

During an EMDR session, you might think about things differently. You may feel emotions, see images, or feel physical sensations. It’s like your brain is assembling a puzzle, and each piece helps you better understand the memory.

Healing and Change

Through EMDR, many people feel better about formidable memories. The bad feelings lessen, and you could feel more in control. EMDR can help you emerge from mental darkness, seeing yourself and your past in a new, more positive light.

EMDR therapy is a powerful tool for healing from trauma. It may be a replacement or adjunct to cognitive, CBD, and other forms of therapy. Are you struggling with problematic memories? By reaching out to a qualified therapist with EMDR experience, a solution is within reach.

For more information and to find a therapist, consider the resources below.

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