
Why Am I Still Hungry After Eating?

Hungry man eating Chinese food at home (ai)

Why are you ravenous an hour after enjoying your favorite Chinese food?

Stomach Capacity

Many blame the recurring hunger on monosodium glutamate (MSG), but there are other factors. Unlike a fixed container, your stomach stretches and shrinks throughout the day. When empty, it holds about 2.5 ounces, but after a large meal, it can expand to hold up to 1.5 liters. Fluid drains first, and if the meal lacks fiber, the stomach processes it quickly—leaving you hungry again soon.

When you consume a meal with high liquid content—like soups or stir-fry—the stomach drains fluids first, processing the rest of the meal much faster, especially if it lacks fiber. This is why a classic such Chinese meals, might leave you craving a second round not long after eating.

Nutritional Value

In addition to fiber, protein helps to ward off hunger. While vegetables are a healthy choice, a meal of just stir-fried veggies without fiber-rich grains or protein can leave you hungry again in an hour. That’s why adding beans, nuts, lentils, or meat can balance the meal and keep you satisfied longer.

MSG, a common flavor enhancer, can stimulate appetite. Though it has faced controversy due to a now-debunked 1968 study, MSG naturally occurs in foods like tomatoes and cheese. While it must be listed on food labels, natural sources of MSG (like yeast extract or soy extract) are often included in many processed foods without being labeled as such. This lingering MSG can contribute to increased appetite.

Timing affects the sense fullness. It takes about 20 minutes for the brain to register satiation. So eating too fast can cause you to reach capacity before your mind recognizes it! Slow down to savor the flavors and to reach satisfactory fullness. The next time you opt for Chinese food, try to choose dishes with more fiber and balance, and take the time to savor each bite.

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