'Man with hands on forehead'

Understand Headache Causes

A comprehensive breakdown of common headaches. Gain a deeper understanding of everything from brain tumor fears to lifestyle influences.

Rheumatology 'Man warming hands with hot beverage'

Mysterious Cold Hands Warm Heart

My sensitivity to cold goes deeper than being a thin-blooded Californian. What are the causes and probable diagnoses?

Individual 'Male face with albinism (ai)'

Embrace Your Unique Self

Discover how to embrace your uniqueness and boost self-esteem by focusing on your strengths, not flaws.

Nephrology 'Young woman drinking water'

Quick Human Kidney Facts

Don’t neglect your kidneys! Discover fascinating facts about this vital organ and the clues signaling the need for medical intervention.

Woman 'Female hand squeezing pink douche syringe'

How Often Should You Douche?

About 30 percent of American adolescent females douche at least once a week. What is douching and is it necessary at all?

Fitness 'Seated female lower body'

Managing Your Perfectly Pear Shape

With people rocking all sorts of shapes and sizes, we have some playful tips and natural remedies to keep your lower half within bounds.

Cardiology 'Man with coffee cup holding his chest'

You Are Not Too Young For a Stroke

Expert tips for patients and caregivers. Optimize ischemic stroke recovery, prevent recurrence and ensure a brighter future.

Urology 'Man curling weight flexing bicep'

ED Solutions Beyond Testosterone and Pills

Unravel the facts about testosterone, sildenafil, and holistic approaches to tackle the erectile dysfunction challenge head-on.

Woman 'Mother nursing baby boy'

How Nursing Mothers Reduce Engorgement

Ahoy, new moms! Tame breast engorgement like a pro. Navigate nursing hurdles with useful tips in this playful guide.

Otolaryngology 'Female patient otolaryngology visit'

How to Tackle Pesky Dry Mouth

Fed up with a desert-like mouth? Dive into our quirky guide and discover the secrets to banishing oral dryness for good. Ahem. Ready to explore?

Internist 'Fatigued man on sofa'

Understanding Rhabdomyolysis

Empower yourself with knowledge about rhabdomyolysis and its impact on your health to prevent and manage this serious condition.


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.