'Cary Grant with Audrey Hepburn'

May-December Relationships

A May-December romance involves two parties having a considerable age difference between them. Who does it? What are pros and cons?

Mental health 'Intimate look'

When Love Becomes Obsession

After falling in love, devo­tion is the founda­tion of a long-lasting rela­tion­ship. For your safety, distin­guish devotion versus obsession.

Mental health 'Adult Effects When Sexually Abused As Child'

Surviving Sexual Abuse

Some survivors of child­hood sexual abuse can function well in society. Others deal with psycho­lo­gi­cal, physical, and behavioral symptoms.

Mental health 'Help For Bipolar Disorder'

Gain Control of Bipolar Disorder

Uncontrollable outbursts or hyper­activity contrasting periods of depression could be signs of mental illness for which treatment is available.

Fitness 'Poolside female swimmer'

Sculpt A Healthy Happy Bikini Body

Are you ready to strap on swim­wear before lounging pool­side while social dis­tanc­ing? Follow these tips to get in shape for the summer.


Enjoy articles each week

Woman 'Woman shaving pubic area'

Safely Shaving Your Pubes

How you groom your pubic hair is a personal choice. Women are generally more fastidious about grooming below the waist.

Gastroenterology 'When You Should Take Probiotics'

Advantages of Probiotics

Some doctors do not address the collateral damage of broad-spectrum antibiotics. This article presents causes and treatments for microbial imbalance.

Nutrition 'Yeasty restaurant foods'

Carb Bingeing Could Be Yeast Craving

Candida yeast, present in every­one’s gut, can grow out of proportion. Outsmart your yeasty gut with your grocery cart.

Emotions 'Signs of Physician Burnout'

Physicians Avoid Compassion Fatigue

If you find yourself being cynical or sarcastic about your patients, venting to your colleagues or staff you may have compassion fatigue.

Individual 'Pandemic is Perfect Workaholic Environment'

Home-Office Workaholic Dangers

Working at home is conven­ient, but your body needs rest. Too little sleep leads to fatigue. It also impairs skin and cognitive function.

Fitness 'Woman deep breath'

Ways To Increase Lung Capacity

You can increase lung capa­city for run­ning, swim­­ming underwater, and other forms of physi­cal fitness. More capa­city is also useful for rehabi­litation.

Pulmonology 'Woman smoking cigarette'

Vaping vs Tobacco Smoking Risks

While doctors struggle to get air into the lungs of COVID-19 patients, smokers inten­tion­ally reduce their capacity. But lungs are not the only harm.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.