'Phoning on toilet'

Two Types of Bloody Stools

You check the tissue for final inspection after a toilet deposit and dis­cover blood. What can cause this and what should you do about it?

Nutrition 'Woman bingeing on donut'

You Can’t Compete With Bulimia

Binging and purg­ing to main­­tain a com­fort­­able appear­­ance is not a strategy. It is a health problem.

Nutrition 'Food Allergies Interfere With Skincare'

Food Allergies Interfere With Skincare

Allergic skin sen­si­tivi­ties can disrupt the best skin­care routine. Here is how to assess the problem and improve appear­ance of your skin.

Orthopedics 'Osteopath touching back'

Why Doctors Won’t Fix Your Back

Pain in your lower back is excru­ciat­ing most days. But for years, your doctor explores options other than orthopedic surgery. Why the hesitation?

Physiotherapy 'Acupuncture in prone position'

Is Acupuncture Out of The Question?

Patients obtaining a mea­sure of relief with acupunc­ture swear it cures every­thing. How does it work and what are realistic expectations?


Enjoy articles each week

Otolaryngology 'Vertigo Spinning Woman'

Vertigo Spinning Out of Control

Otolaryngologists may zero in on one of many causes for vertigo. How can you narrow it down and stop the spinning?

Neurology 'Woman laying in coma'

Awakening From a Coma

A coma can result from trauma or is sometimes medically induced. What happens during a coma and what is the outlook for recovery?

Cardiology 'Apple Watch heart monitor'

Premature Ventricular Contractions

Occurring occasionally, Premature Ventricular Contractions can resolve on their own. Occurring frequently, PVCs can signal more serious conditions.

Cardiology 'Blood components'

Acquired Aplastic Anemia

A rare triple-threat anemia can deplete each major blood compo­nent, reducing energy, decreas­ing lung and heart function.

Emotions 'Anxious couple between sheets'

Honeymoon Performance Anxiety

A virgin honeymoon does not need to be stressful. You will find ways to satisfy one another. Here are some tips in case you can’t figure it out.

Individual 'Embarrassed young lady covering face'

The Age of Masturbation

Is there any harm in self-arousal if nearly every­one else is doing it? This is some­thing parents should discuss with their adoles­cent children.

Physiotherapy 'Spinal stenosis stretch'

Narrowing Down Spinal Stenosis

Nerve compression trans­cends physical strength to immo­bilize the most power­ful patients. How can you dif­feren­ti­ate stenosis and resume normal activities?


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.