'Troubled teens'

Troubled Teen Industry Loopholes

Residential youth treatment programs sometimes use questionable methods for behavioral health issues. Despite state laws, families still complain.

Immunology 'Home Covid Test Package'

5 Things About ‘Free’ At-Home Covid Tests

Outdated: Every person with private insurance can get full coverage for eight rapid tests a month. Now what?

Cardiology 'Sleeping man with CPAP'

Stop Snoring Now

You feel sluggish in the morn­ing while every­one in the house sleeps with pil­lows over their heads. Here is how every­one can get a good night's sleep.

Otolaryngology 'Snoring couple in bed'

Snoring: More Than a Sleep Irritant

Snoring can be more than an irritant to your sleeping partner. It might also signal a dangerous condition called sleep apnea.

Internist 'Operating room doctors'

International Nurses Fill Hospital Pandemic Shortage

Outdated: Billings Clinic is just one of the scores of hospitals across the U.S. looking abroad to ease a shortage of nurses worsened by the pandemic.


Enjoy articles each week

Education 'Classroom social distancing'

Parents Find Disruption Is the New Normal

Outdated: Children are used to wearing masks as part of their attire. But returning to classrooms can increase the spread of covid within homes.

Nutrition 'What is Health Care?'

What is Health Care?

Caring for senior health begins long before age 60. The things that keep us mobile and healthy do not come in a prescription bottle.

Internist 'High-tech doctor'

Move Healthcare Forward

Forward is ideal for either young people without health insurance or for pre-Medicare patients with insurance that want quick and easy access to health questions.

Immunology 'Home-test kit'

California Urges At-Home STI Tests

California has become the first state to require health insurance to cover at-home tests for sexually transmit­ted infections such as HIV, chlamydia, and syphilis.

Urology 'Couple staring in bed'

Ejaculatory Duct Obstruction

If you notice significant reduc­tion in the amount of semen or none at all, urology special­ists will differen­tiate EDO from retro­grade ejaculation.

Nephrology 'Hands holding smartphone on toilet'

Urinalysis Nightmare

A man discovers an unsettling sight during a bathroom visit that leads to a sequence of rapid medical events with laggard resolution.

Cosmetology 'Cosmetics For Melasma'

Blend Cosmetics To Conceal Melasma

Skin lightening creams are ineffective. So getting familiar with appropriate cosmetics can boost your self esteem.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.