Do Caffeinated Beverages Quench Thirst?
Caffeine can affect the human body like nicotine and cocaine. What effect do caffeinated beverages have on dehydration?
Vitamin Deficiencies Affect Your Mood
Abnormal stress, masking a personal tragedy, or skipping required nutrition can overshadow an ordinarily pleasant personality, causing social conflicts.
Easy Peasy Protein Powder Recipe
Exchange a two-pound $40 tub of protein powder for three pounds of raw almonds and a half pound of dried split peas. Keep the change and enjoy a nutty, all-natural protein powder made with your per...
How to Enjoy Being a Vegetarian
A vegetarian diet is not appropriate for everyone. Many who try do not last beyond a few weeks. What are two keys to vegetarian success?
No Whey Hemp is Better Than Soy Protein Powder
Whether you are a bodybuilding champion, lactating mom, growing teenager or sedentary executive, you should not ignore your need for protein. Is hemp better than soy plant-based protein supplements?
Eat Healthy From the Inside Out
Unfortunately, what we put into our bodies is not always motivated by healthy logic. If that were the case, there would be no ice cream parlors or candy shops.
Gourmetizing Your Spaghetti Dinner
Add great flavor, optimum nutrition, and creative presentation to a pasta dinner, transforming it into a restaurant-quality meal.
Health Dangers of Working Too Hard
There are clinically adverse physical and emotional effects of shift work. Don’t kill yourself trying to stay up. Find a balance between good health and earning a living.
Migraine Relief Without Opening Medicine Cabinet
Eliminating certain foods may prevent the onset of migraines before they happen or reduce their severity.
Are you biting off more than you should chew when sharing communal foods without proper etiquette? Explore the science of double dipping.
Easy-to-Swallow Thyroid Nutrition
Health problems from overactive or underactive can be quite severe. Enjoy these nutritional supplements to maintain a healthy thyroid gland.
Distinguish Fruits From Veggies
Establishing differences between fruits, vegetables, and nightshades determine how they are stored and consumed.
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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.