'Mature couple with backache'

Could You Have A Spinal Bone Infection?

Pyogenic spondy­litis is a rare life-threatening condition primarily affecting adults in their fifties to be distin­guish­ed from vertebral cancers.

Cardiology 'How Can PAD Be Confused With Diabetes?'

How PAD is Confused With Diabetes

Peripheral artery disease falls under the cardio­logy specialty. Diabetes is treated by endocrino­logists and nephro­logists. How can diabetes be confused with PAD?

Food 'Health Effects of Caffeinated Beverages'

Do Caffeinated Beverages Quench Thirst?

Caffeine can affect the human body like nicotine and cocaine. What effect do caffeinated beverages have on dehydration?

Prescriptions 'Pain Remedies Should Emulate Opioids'

Should Pain Remedies Mimic Opioids?

Opioids quickly address both emotional and physical response to pain. Whatever alternative treatment is offered should do the same.

Emotions 'Vitamin Deficiencies Affect Mood'

Vitamin Deficiencies Affect Your Mood

Abnormal stress, masking a personal tragedy, or skipping required nutrition can overshadow an ordinarily pleasant personality, causing social conflicts.

Technology 'Key Benefits of Dynamic MRI'

Benefits of Dynamic MRI

Most static radiology does not capture variable pressure points. Subsequent viewers of front-facing spinal images may lack the context of the amount of pressure that exerts pain.

Mental health 'Piece Together Autism Spectrum'

Piecing Together The Autism Puzzle

The spectrum for autism is broad and can include Asperger’s syndrome — a social reticence.

Emotions 'Why Your Mind Goes There'

Why Your Mind Goes There

What do you do when the personality familiar to you, your family, and your friends swaps with an unpleasant alter ego? Is it a harmless fantasy?

Neurology 'What’s Shaking With Parkinson’s?'

What’s Shaking With Parkinson’s?

The most obvious symptom of Parkinson’s disease is tremors. It is often assumed to be a musculo­skeletal disorder. But patients and caregivers should be alert to neuro­logical changes.

Neurology 'Working Too Hard For Your Money'

Health Dangers of Working Too Hard

There are clinically adverse physical and emotional effects of shift work. Don’t kill yourself trying to stay up. Find a balance between good health and earning a living.

Nutrition 'Woman holding head with migraine'

Migraine Relief Without Opening Medicine Cabinet

Eliminating certain foods may prevent the onset of migraines before they happen or reduce their severity.

Otolaryngology 'Mold Causes Vertigo and Chronic Fatigue'

Mold Causes Vertigo, Rash, Backache and Chronic Fatigue

Are you a business or home­owner conside­ring profes­sional water-damage remedia­tion? Are you a renter trying to convince a land­lord to properly treat mold and mildew?


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.