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151 articles tagged Internist
'How to Track Your Steps With Your iPhone'

How to Track Your Steps With Your iPhone

While research suggests a beneficial increase to 15,000 steps per day, a longstanding goal of 10,000 is common. How can you begin keeping track?

Nutrition 'Foods That Help Insomniacs Sleep'

Foods That Help Insomniacs Sleep

Sleep disorders are common. Learn how a nutritionist developed insomnia and discovered natural methods to combat it.

Endocrinology 'Neck ultrasound'

How To Live Without A Thyroid Gland

Your thyroid gland is an important metabolism regulator. Find out why it sometimes must be surgically removed and how life following thyroidectomy is possible.

Fitness 'Obese woman'

10 Signs You May Need A Workout

Many blame the battle with the bulge on sugar and fat intake. These are contributing factors. But you may also battle biologic adversaries.

Orthopedics 'You May Not Have to Suffer Through Chronic Back Pain'

Don’t Suffer Through Back Pain

Low back pain health remedies used to totter between popping anti-inflammatory drugs through­out the day and surgical vertebral fusion with bolts and plates.

Fitness 'The BMI Controversy'

The BMI Controversy

Without a BMI health chart, a doctor can surmise that a patient with anorexia nervosa is malnourished and someone who is morbidly obese likely has weight related disorders.

Nephrology 'Drink Away Vertigo With Water'

Drink Away Vertigo With Water

Disequilibrium can bemuse vertigo sufferers for hours, days or longer, often accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light and sound. Discover how water can provide a measure of relief.

Food 'Nuts Prevent T2 Diabetes'

Nutty Idea May Prevent T2 Diabetes

In what sounds like a clinical study by the Nutty Professor, research shows that snacking on pistachios and almonds might prevent Type 2 Diabetes.

Endocrinology 'How Much Testosterone is Normal For Your Age?'

Normal Amount of Testosterone

Identify misconceptions about erectile dysfunc­tion medica­tions and testos­terone health supple­ments. See effects of testos­terone imbalance and learn how and when to boost it naturally.

Cardiology 'It’s Dysautonomia — Not Laziness'

It’s Dysautonomia — Not Laziness

Dysautonomia is a health condition referring to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. Learn how it affects various bodily systems.


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