'Wolf face'

Life With Lupus

This autoimmune system disorder may go undetected for months or years with symp­toms ranging from mild to aggres­sive attacks on skin and internal organs.

Gastroenterology 'Might Not Worry About Colorectal Polyps'

Should You Worry About Colorectal Polyps?

Ninety percent of colorectal polyps occur after age 50. Nearly all colon cancers develop from polyps, but polyps grow slowly. Some are more prone to be cancerous than others.

Emotions 'Why Your Mind Goes There'

Why Your Mind Goes There

What do you do when the personality familiar to you, your family, and your friends swaps with an unpleasant alter ego? Is it a harmless fantasy?

Individual 'Finally, Affordable Medical Care For All'

Affordable Medical Care For All

Which is more expensive, medical insurance premiums and deduc­tibles or the lack of health care? The answer may shock you.

Neurology 'What’s Shaking With Parkinson’s?'

What’s Shaking With Parkinson’s?

The most obvious symptom of Parkinson’s disease is tremors. It is often assumed to be a musculo­skeletal disorder. But patients and caregivers should be alert to neuro­logical changes.

Neurology 'Working Too Hard For Your Money'

Health Dangers of Working Too Hard

There are clinically adverse physical and emotional effects of shift work. Don’t kill yourself trying to stay up. Find a balance between good health and earning a living.

Nutrition 'Woman getting thyroid checkup'

Easy-to-Swallow Thyroid Nutrition

Health problems from over­active or underactive can be quite severe. Enjoy these nutritional supplements to maintain a healthy thyroid gland.

Otolaryngology 'Dealing With Winter Mold and Mildew Allergies'

Dealing With Winter Mold and Mildew Allergies

During damp weather, we shut windows, close drapes, fire up the heater, and get cozy. Then begin sneezing, headaches, dizziness, chest pains, and strange odors.

Dermatology 'Skin Eruptions Signal Underlying Disorders'

Skin Eruptions Signal Underlying Disorders

DermNet lists 130+ skin signs of systemic disease. Table expands diag­nosis beyond acne or eczema and sympto­matic cutaneous inflam­ma­tion.

Otolaryngology 'Mold Causes Vertigo and Chronic Fatigue'

Mold Causes Vertigo, Rash, Backache and Chronic Fatigue

Are you a business or home­owner conside­ring profes­sional water-damage remedia­tion? Are you a renter trying to convince a land­lord to properly treat mold and mildew?

Pulmonology 'What Your Sputum Indicates About Your Health'

What Your Sputum Indicates About Your Health

A viral or bacterial infection can trans­form the vis­cosity of mucus, an impor­tant anatomical lubri­cant, into a breath-suppressing coagu­lant. Its color change can signal serious medical illness.

Individual 'For Months I Felt Like a Woman'

For Months I Felt Like a Woman

Axillary lump led to three imaging tech­nolo­gies, seven medical con­clu­sions and a surgery. Multiple health diag­noses weakened confi­dence in the medical team.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.