'Four people lowering face masks'

Breathe Easier With Vaccine

Outdated: As the coronavirus vaccine trickles down to the masses, you might exhale a sigh of relief. But remem­ber, we are not out of the woods.

Individual 'Young Beach Runners'

The Reality of Covid

Outdated: The coronavirus continues to ravage the world like an expanding torrential river after almost two years. It will take more than optimism to abate it.

Humor 'Pandemic Levity – Sedentary'

Pandemic Levity – Sedentary

This article addresses the state of the coronavirus pandemic on our in-home health from a sitting position.

Nutrition 'Acquire Taste For Water'

Acquire Taste For More Water

Before drinking necessary amounts of water, you have to stomach the taste. Tap water differs among major cities, rural areas, and costal communities.

Individual 'Life is a Train Ride'

A Life of Death

To some people, contemplation of our life journey is viewed as an existential crisis. To others, it allows for the application of practical wisdom.


Enjoy articles each week

Gerontology 'The Age of Retirement'

The Age of Retirement

Health care for post-pandemic and self-employed workers reaching delayed retirement age requires new protocols.

Neurology 'Sleepwalking Dangers'

Sleepwalking Dangers

Are you or a family member awaken­ing with fatigue and unexplained injuries? Do you live with someone and hear strange bumps during the night?

Fitness 'Woman awakening tired'

Begin Your Day With More Energy

The amount of energy your body has to power through the day depends on what you do the night before and how you start your morning.

Woman 'Pregnant woman on sofa'

Your Water Broke, Now What?

When it’s time to give birth, amniotic fluid leaks through a pregnant woman’s vagina. How soon should she receive medical attention before it endangers the baby?

Physiotherapy 'Physiotherapist or Osteopath'

Physiotherapist or Osteopath

Which medical professional is best for your injury? Under­stand­ing differences between physio­therapy and osteopathy will get you in the right place.

Humor 'Pandemic Levity – Education'

Pandemic Levity – Education

This post takes a detour in presentation method to share the state of our educational system with a bit of levity. Parents and children reverse roles.

Individual 'Crowd of screaming fans'

Social Dissidents

Outdated: With 12 states reporting 50 percent or more vaccination, some states are fully opening up to appease frustrated patrons and business owners.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.