'Styles For Little-To-No Hair'

Styles For Little-To-No Hair

You can’t turn back time to when hair dangled past your shoulders. But you can turn envious heads when entering a room with a shaved head or short haircut.

Dermatology 'Black man face'

Preventing and Treating Razor Bumps

Pseudofolliculitis barbae is a long phrase that describes short curly hairs that grow into the skin, causing inflammation.

Addictions 'People With Anorexia Don’t See Thin'

Anorexics Don’t See Thin

There are several causes for eating disorders. The solu­tion to anorexia nervosa is not as simple as eating more. Anorexics are trying to look normal.

Woman 'Hysterical Pregnancy'

Hysterical Pregnancy Isn’t Funny

Known by several names, pseu­do­cyesis is a very real con­di­tion that per­plexes on­lookers with fantom preg­nancy symptoms.

Neurology 'Synesthesia concept dance frequency'

With Synesthesia, You Hear Color

Loud colors don’t have to be fluorescent. You can wear a falsetto shirt with baritone pants. How do you classify synesthetic perceptions?


Enjoy articles each week

Otolaryngology 'Elderly man with diplacusis'

Hear Twice as Much with Diplacusis

People with a rare dis­order called dipla­cusis hear dif­fer­ent tones in each ear. It’s like a very bad sur­round sound system with no off button.

Dermatology 'How and Why Keep Wounds Dry'

Why Keep Wounds Dry

Wounds heal from the upper layer of skin, downward. To form a scab, blood clots and dries. How and why do you keep it dry?

Nephrology 'Man receiving dialysis treatment'

The Value of Dialysis

Severe dehydration, trauma, and other conditions can lead to kidney failure. Dialysis is an interim procedure until a kidney transplant is available.

Nephrology 'Your Kidney is A Pain in the Back'

Your Kidney is a Pain in the Back

Problem kidneys can be manifested by changes in urination, backaches, fatigue, and in other ways.

Parents 'Dads With Girls Entering Puberty'

Single-Parent Dads Explain Puberty To Girls

Your daughter is growing up. She needs more personal hygiene products and a trip to the gynecologist. Here’s how to remain calm and helpful.

Parents 'Moms With Boys Entering Puberty'

Single-Parent Moms Explain Puberty To Boys

You may feel like renting an R-rated movie in lieu of having the talk with your son. But there are some important things you both should know.

Humor 'Pandemic Levity – Vaccines'

Pandemic Levity – Vaccines

This article addresses the reaction to the rollout of coronavirus vaccines.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.