'Female in exam room'

First Gynecological Visit

Parents should schedule the first gynecological consul­ta­tion near the age when most girls begin puberty.

Immunology 'Vaccination bandage'

Post-Vaccination Effects

Outdated: Many people worry and avoid it. Others anxiously await availability. What can you expect after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?

Food '12 Effective Aphrodisiac Foods'

12 Effective Aphrodisiac Foods

Natural or artificial aphro­disiacs are things people consume to heighten senses for intimacy. Enjoy items available from your local market.

Food '5 Tips For Hygienic Food Tasting'

Tips For Hygienic Food Tasting

Diners want you, as the chef, to taste food before serving. But there is a fine line between sanitary tasting and pre-eating meals.

Humor 'Woman Grocery Shopping'

Pandemic Levity – Shopping

Reader discretion: This is an obtuse call to take corona­virus precau­tions seriously. Some facts may be exag­gerated for the sake of amusement.


Enjoy articles each week

Gerontology 'How To Age Gracefully'

How To Age Gracefully

Women may worry about menopause and sagging breasts. Men battle enlarg­ing prostate, hair loss, and more.

Neurology 'Endorphins Motivate Exercise'

Endorphins Motivate Exercise

Train yourself to enjoy exer­cise by rewarding yourself with endor­phins in the form of healthy pleasures after a workout.

Relationships 'Cary Grant with Audrey Hepburn'

May-December Relationships

A May-December romance involves two parties having a considerable age difference between them. Who does it? What are pros and cons?

Mental health 'Adult Effects When Sexually Abused As Child'

Surviving Sexual Abuse

Some survivors of child­hood sexual abuse can function well in society. Others deal with psycho­lo­gi­cal, physical, and behavioral symptoms.

Gastroenterology 'When You Should Take Probiotics'

Advantages of Probiotics

Some doctors do not address the collateral damage of broad-spectrum antibiotics. This article presents causes and treatments for microbial imbalance.

Nutrition 'Yeasty restaurant foods'

Carb Bingeing Could Be Yeast Craving

Candida yeast, present in every­one’s gut, can grow out of proportion. Outsmart your yeasty gut with your grocery cart.

Individual 'Pandemic is Perfect Workaholic Environment'

Home-Office Workaholic Dangers

Working at home is conven­ient, but your body needs rest. Too little sleep leads to fatigue. It also impairs skin and cognitive function.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.