'Woman deep breath'

Ways To Increase Lung Capacity

You can increase lung capa­city for run­ning, swim­­ming underwater, and other forms of physi­cal fitness. More capa­city is also useful for rehabi­litation.

Pulmonology 'Woman smoking cigarette'

Vaping vs Tobacco Smoking Risks

While doctors struggle to get air into the lungs of COVID-19 patients, smokers inten­tion­ally reduce their capacity. But lungs are not the only harm.

Food 'Lose Weight With The Foods You Love'

Lose Weight With The Foods You Love

Diets fail when you resume eating the foods you love. Learn portion control for indulgences while introduc­ing a larger group of healthy food options.

Cosmetology 'Facial Moisturizers in Your Kitchen Cabinets'

Facial Moisturizers in Your Kitchen

People spend much money for creams, serums, and moisturizers that, ounce-for-ounce, cost significantly more than natural ingre­di­ents on kitchen shelves.

Woman 'Will Your Biological Clock Expire During Pandemic?'

Pregnancy Safety During Pandemic

Outdated: A woman’s child­bearing years might not end at 35. Some women are push­ing the limits of concep­tion, but will you con­tinue pro­ducing viable eggs?


Enjoy articles each week

Immunology 'Coronavirus Vaccine Reactions'

Coronavirus Vaccine Reactions

Outdated: People are reacting to the COVID-19 virus after recovery while others react to the notion of an early vaccine promising high efficacy rates.

Food 'Healthy snacks'

Choose Healthy Snack Options

If you are finding it difficult to resist unhealthy snacks, here are some clever substitutions to satisfy your cravings.

Food 'The Unhealthy Vegetarian'

Don’t Be The Unhealthy Vegetarian

Not all vegetarians are thin. While ventur­ing into this supposed­ly healthy life­style, follow these tips to avoid gaining tens of pounds.

Dermatology 'Woman with beauty mole'

What A New Mole Means

The AAD recommends annual full-body examina­tions for new moles or unexplained blemish­es. When do moles warrant further investigation?

Cosmetology 'Freckle-face young woman'

5 Cosmetic Secrets For Freckles

Don’t cover up freckles with cosmetic concealers. Those spots define you. So wear makeup that celebrates them in the best light.

Immunology 'Seriousness of HIV and AIDS'

HIV and AIDS Remain Serious

First identified among the homo­sexual community in 1981, by the 1990s HIV became a threat to any sexually active individual. What is today’s outlook?

Food 'Improper Food Cravings'

Distinguish Improper Food Cravings

Your response to cravings can cause weight gain. Feed your need for protein, carbo­hy­drates, and proper vitamins to realize optimum nutritional results.


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.