'Mature couple smiling'

Restoring Mature Smiles

There are many reasons for smiles diminish­ing as we mature. Try these methods of maintain­ing or improv­ing the appear­ance of your smile.

Relationships 'Cary Grant with Audrey Hepburn'

May-December Relationships

A May-December romance involves two parties having a considerable age difference between them. Who does it? What are pros and cons?

Clinical science 'CRISPR Regenerative Medicine'

New Life For Regenerative Medicine

By modifying DNA, CRISPR is giving regenera­tive medi­cine a new shot in the arm. Human genetically modified organisms may combat diseases.

Emotions 'Treatments for Panic Disorders'

Don’t Panic Attack

Sudden fear of unexplained impending danger can hinder normal activities. Panic attacks are sympto­matic of a serious medical condition.

Pulmonology 'Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Prevalence'

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Prevalence

About 12 people million are un­aware that COPD is perma­nently damag­ing their lung air­ways and air sacs.

Orthopedics 'Alternatives to Knee Replacement'

Alternatives to Knee Replacement

It is tempting to beg a doctor to remove aching by any means possible. Any discomfort felt before surgery is multiplied during rehabilitation

Oncology 'How to Know When a Loved One is Dying'

Signs a Loved One is Dying

How do professional caregivers know when a patient is transitioning to death? Pre-active and active phases of death become apparent prior to the inevitable.

Mental health 'Forgetful elderly man'

Add Prescriptions to Dementia Causes

Increase in dementia cases may be linked to common prescrip­tion medications. Fortunately, one of the most common is excluded.

Orthopedics 'Elderly man with backache'

Schmorl Node Vertical Disc Herniation Pain

Historically considered clinically insig­ni­fi­cant, Schmorl’s nodes can be an active symptom or cause of pain in some patients.

Dermatology 'Can You Get Rid of Eyebrow Bugs?'

Can You Get Rid of Eyebrow Bugs?

If your face has unwanted parasites, they may be temporarily eradicated with these solutions.

Orthopedics 'Mature couple with backache'

Could You Have A Spinal Bone Infection?

Pyogenic spondy­litis is a rare life-threatening condition primarily affecting adults in their fifties to be distin­guish­ed from vertebral cancers.

Individual 'Dangers of Sedentary Jobs'

Why Your Butt’s in Danger

Industry has advanced on the buttocks of graphic artists, program­mers, truck drivers and office workers who sacrifice their rears with irreparable harm.


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.