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7 articles tagged Gerontology+woman
'How To Age Gracefully'

How To Age Gracefully

Women may worry about menopause and sagging breasts. Men battle enlarg­ing prostate, hair loss, and more.

Emotions 'Treatments for Panic Disorders'

Don’t Panic Attack

Sudden fear of unexplained impending danger can hinder normal activities. Panic attacks are sympto­matic of a serious medical condition.

Dermatology 'Can You Get Rid of Eyebrow Bugs?'

Can You Get Rid of Eyebrow Bugs?

If your face has unwanted parasites, they may be temporarily eradicated with these solutions.

Individual 'Dangers of Sedentary Jobs'

Why Your Butt’s in Danger

Industry has advanced on the buttocks of graphic artists, program­mers, truck drivers and office workers who sacrifice their rears with irreparable harm.

Neurology 'Pair of feet under covers'

Get Enough REM Sleep

Functioning with very little sleep is not a virtuous work habit. Deep sleep improves productivity. Could this be the reason you’re so groggy, cranky, and obnoxious?

Disability 'Man seated with athletic limb prosthesis'

Where Do We Stand On Prosthetics?

In the race for more natural solutions, prostheses need not resemble the ill-fitted mannequin-like appendages of the 1940s. Here is a summary of top prosthetics and where to get them.

Nutrition 'Foods That Help Insomniacs Sleep'

Foods That Help Insomniacs Sleep

Sleep disorders are common. Learn how a nutritionist developed insomnia and discovered natural methods to combat it.


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