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43 articles tagged Diets
'Eating Enough Good Fat?'

You Need Some Fat

Chefs have a different view of fat than dietitians in general. Instead of extreme fat avoid­ance, it is wise to practice more responsible fat consump­tion.

Nutrition 'How Much Is Enough Protein?'

Consume Enough Protein

Based on a research study, there may be a direct correlation between protein consumption, muscle atrophy and obesity.

Food 'Watch What You Eat'

Grocery Enemies

If you are not the one who does the shopping, there is a danger. Follow these tips to keep from panicking.

Food 'Eat Less White Bread'

Your Bread is Too White

Could your bread, rice, crackers and pasta have too much starch and not enough fiber?

Food 'How to Make Food More Nutritious'

You Can Fortify Your Own Foods

Why depend upon fortified processed foods? Add super-hero supplemental foods to your meals while cooking at home. Is fortification necessary?

Food 'Make Smoothies That Satisfy Hunger'

Are You A Smoothie Criminal?

Several factors determine whether your smoothies are satisfying and healthy. Cut through the misinformation and learn what science reveals.

Nutrition 'Are You Getting Enough Potassium?'

Are You Getting Enough Potassium?

Many Americans do not consume enough potassium. With abundant potassium food sources, consider various ways to eat it.

Nutrition 'No More Boring Breakfasts'

No More Boring Breakfasts

Identify which days you can have homemade balanced meal. Is it Saturday morning or a few times during the week?

Nutrition 'One Portion Size For All?'

Should Everyone Eat Same Portion Size?

Differences in meal frequency, food type, plate clearing or compensation at subsequent meals, may explain increasing obesity.

Food 'Get Ready for Fat Vegans'

Vegan Fast Food Health Problems

The junk food that overtook the world, ushering in obesity, is now reaching the waists of vegetarians and vegans.

Nutrition 'Vitamin D Deficiency and Sources'

Do You Have Enough Vitamin D?

What seems like a simple question baffles many people with low vitamin D, and the doctors who treat them.

Fitness 'Los Angeles Vegetarian Road Trip'

Best Chefs Fail to Satisfy Vegetarians

Many restaurants in metropolitan areas are elevating the flavor profile of vegetarian cuisine while others offend palates.


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