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106 articles tagged Anatomy
'What Works From The Bottom And Never Gets On Top?'

What Works From The Bottom And Never Gets On Top?

You might feel you are working at a dead-end job but this impressive pair is content with its position and function in life.

Dermatology 'What Is Both All Over And In One Place?'

What Is Both All Over And In One Place?

The question provides a big clue when you narrow answers down to the human organism.

Pulmonology 'This Organ Only Makes Music Only While Malfunctioning'

This Organ Only Makes Music While Malfunctioning

Normal respiratory sounds are faint, requiring amplification to hear. Are you whistling and crackling to the sound of music?

Nutrition 'Is Your Body Craving B12?'

Is Your Body Craving B12?

Animal products provide optimum food sources for vitamin B12. But not just vegans are at risk. Learn the symp­toms of deficiency and how to maintain peak levels for better health.

Dermatology 'What Grows Thinner Over Time?'

What Grows Thinner Over Time?

Generally, it is not our waistline that thins as we age. Depending on genes and gender, another type of thinning may be inevitable.

Neurology 'What Can People Get On That Runs Through You?'

What Can People Get On That Runs Through You?

Sometimes it is not just people. Delays, bills, even this question might get on yours.

Endocrinology 'Neck ultrasound'

How To Live Without A Thyroid Gland

Your thyroid gland is an important metabolism regulator. Find out why it sometimes must be surgically removed and how life following thyroidectomy is possible.

Otolaryngology 'Female face perfect symmetry'

Cosmetic Facial Reconstruction Limits

Plastic surgery is some­times a health require­ment where the end result of recon­struc­tive surgery can only be appre­ciated when compared to the initial medical anomaly.

Orthopedics 'You May Not Have to Suffer Through Chronic Back Pain'

Don’t Suffer Through Back Pain

Low back pain health remedies used to totter between popping anti-inflammatory drugs through­out the day and surgical vertebral fusion with bolts and plates.

Endocrinology 'How Much Testosterone is Normal For Your Age?'

Normal Amount of Testosterone

Identify misconceptions about erectile dysfunc­tion medica­tions and testos­terone health supple­ments. See effects of testos­terone imbalance and learn how and when to boost it naturally.


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