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'Woman lying on floor with books'

Love To Read More

What makes the Clinical Mysteries Novellas so novel? The mini­series is for people like you who enjoy a ventur­ing on the wild side of action and mystery.

Marketing 'Classroom supplies'

Back To School No-Sell

ClinicalPosters has educa­tional materials, but is not market­ing a “Back to School Sale” because the premise for such has changed.

Fulfillment 'Woman sitting at office computer screen'

Deferred Payments

Hospitals and medical groups may qualify for 30-day deferred payment with a credit limit.

Website 'Young lady reading tablet'

Solve Clinical Mystery

Novellas clinical mysteries do not require diagnos­ing ail­ments. These entertain­ing stories feature people acquir­ing or over­coming health adversities.

Website 'Woman texting on smartphone'

Chat (Dis)enabled

Outdated: Chat with a human. You know you want to. But it doesn’t need be get weird. When chat is enabled, a floating button appears on the bottom of the page.

Fulfillment 'Female scientist holding up four fingers'

Split Your Payments in Four

Outdated: This summer, for orders totaling $50 to $1000, you have the option to split payments in four monthly installments.

Fulfillment 'Hand signing contract'

Crafting a Materials Release

Despite urgency for approval, a form that appears to grant rights to intel­lec­tual property that is too liberal can stall the process.

Products 'Female holding movie clapper'

License Posters For Motion Pictures

Get extended-use anatomy posters with durable satin finishes for movies, tele­vision shows, promo­tional video­graphy, and commercials.

Marketing 'Excited people'

ClinicalPosters Affiliate Program

Outdated: Start earning commissions for directing people to the site you already know and love today.

Fulfillment 'Asian warehouse woman'

Global Postal Disruptions

Outdated: The international postal system is having trouble keeping up with demand. FedEx, DHL, and UPS may provide more timely delivery to some areas.

Fulfillment 'Cardboard box damage'

Don’t Ruin Posters

Tips to rein your excitement of receiving new posters and prevent damage.

Website 'Female book reader'

Exciting New Ventures

Complementing longstanding health articles, short novels, provide a mental diver­sion of creative writing entertain­ment for every individual.


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing