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14 articles tagged Frames
'Deupair Pocket Frames'

Trust DeuPair Medical Office Frames

Their durability, space-saving design, quick poster exchange, and professional appearance make them the best frames for medical professionals.

Products 'Caring for DeuPair Frames'

Caring for DeuPair Frames

Congratulations on choosing quality. There are two parts to your DeuPair Frame. Here is how to make them last longer.

Products 'Frames Cover Multitude of Sins'

Frames Cover Multitude of Sins

Not only can DeuPair Frames you save money, many imper­fec­tions will go unnoticed.

Website 'Access Your Personal Health Website'

Let’s Get A Little More Personal

Not only are articles with your interest featured, you become part of the stories. And, of course, we personalize exam rooms.

Products 'Gastroenterology Exam-Room Design Budget'

Gastroenterology Exam-Room Design Budget

Equip each medical exam room with seven framed human anatomy posters for under $400. Optional­ly share $400 of anatomi­cal models between multiple offices.

Products 'Personalize Each Patient Exam Room Experience With DeuPair Frames'

How To Personalize Each Patient Exam Room Experience

DeuPair Frames are crafted primarily for medical offices and classrooms. With a 10-year guarantee, they don’t skew. Learn other advantages.

Products 'Man having blood pressure checked'

Cardiology Teaching Products Budget

Equip each medical exam room with seven framed human anatomy posters for under $400. Optionally share $900 of anatomical models between multiple offices.

Products 'Otolaryngology Exam Room Anatomy Posters on a Budget'

Otolaryngology Exam-Room Teaching Products

Get three frames with seven interchangeable anatomy posters in two sizes. Two anatomical models can easily be shared among multiple exam rooms.

Fulfillment 'Remove Poster Curl During Delivery'

Remove Poster Curl During Delivery

Downside to rolled posters is they arrive with temporary curl. Specially rein­forced trian­gular tubes are favored by carriers. What if you want a few posters and prefer no curl?

Products 'How To Buy Exam Room Anatomy Posters Without Being Blamed For It'

Buy Exam Room Anatomy Posters Without Being Blamed

When tasked with decorating medical office exam rooms, you are cautious about making correct decisions. It may seem that the best way to please every­one is to spend less.

Products 'Lack of Grommets is Not a Mistake — It’s a Feature'

Lack of Grommets is No Mistake

ClinicalPosters high-quality lam­inate is double-thick, has luxurious satin finish, and includes UV light filters to preserve colors longer. This adds up to optimum poster for framing without gromm...

Products 'Large Posters for Small Prices'

Large Posters for Small Prices

Perhaps you noticed a growing number of oversize 22x28 inch (56x71 cm) anatomy posters among standard 20x26 inch (51x66 cm) charts. Why do these beautiful oversize charts cost less than standard on...

Products 'How to Buy Anatomy Posters Without Regrets'

How to Buy Anatomy Posters Without Regrets

Poster selection can be made by doctors, an office manager or nurse. If it’s you, learn how real-world usage and avail­able wall space have greater impact than cost savings.

Products 'Why You Need Laminated Posters'

Why You Need Laminated Posters

Contamination is gross to consider Two-stage defense provides hygienic UV protection and a surface that can be disinfected by wiping away germs.


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