Back to School With Coronavirus
Outdated: The United States has no standard across the country. Whichever way schools resume poses these challenges.

Outdated: RenovaCare and Jörge C. Gerlach of McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine assert that large areas of burned skin can be renewed within a few days.

Most static radiology does not capture variable pressure points. Subsequent viewers of front-facing spinal images may lack the context of the amount of pressure that exerts pain.

Affordable Medical Care For All
Which is more expensive, medical insurance premiums and deductibles or the lack of health care? The answer may shock you.

Where Do We Stand On Prosthetics?
In the race for more natural solutions, prostheses need not resemble the ill-fitted mannequin-like appendages of the 1940s. Here is a summary of top prosthetics and where to get them.

Outdated: MRI can be a figurative black hole into which a patient may be inserted to see what comes out. This article elucidates differences between common imaging technologies.

How to Track Your Steps With Your iPhone
While research suggests a beneficial increase to 15,000 steps per day, a longstanding goal of 10,000 is common. How can you begin keeping track?
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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.