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Discovering an unexplained lump anywhere on your body can cause considerable anxiety. When obviously not a cyst or boil, what is it and what should be done about it?

Some Doctors Stop Urging Monthly Breast Self-Exams
Searching for cancer may be too morbid a thought to women who esteem breasts more for their form and function than health indicators. Doctors are not giving up.

Early Warning Signs and Symptoms of Lymphoma
Healthcare physicians and patients need to be diligent for early diagnosis, using multidisciplinary medical treatment of blood cancers affecting the lymphatic system.

With considerable variance in both normal and abnormal areola, a dignified human anatomy poster is available. It was developed as a health-professional patient guide for ob-gyn medical offices.

What is an Out-of-Body Experience?
Some people boast about out-of-body experiences while others fear them. Just what are they and why do some people strive to induce them? Are they an indication of health issues?

Anatomy of an Estranged Family
Fresh explanation of Dead Mother Complex reveals why displaying affection may be more complex than you think. This might be the root of familial dysfunction. Use discretion on emotional content.

Animal products provide optimum food sources for vitamin B12. But not just vegans are at risk. Learn the symptoms of deficiency and how to maintain peak levels for better health.

Get Scalp Psoriasis Under Control
Scalp itch can go beyond dandruff. Burning and severe flaking may not be relieved by OTC shampoos. These pharmaceutical and natural remedies might provide relief.

Is Cannabis Safe For General Consumption?
There are no graphic images but this is a mature subject. Marijuana is appearing in foods and beverages, at dispensaries, and on high-end restaurant menus. What’s the harm?

Identify misconceptions about erectile dysfunction medications and testosterone health supplements. See effects of testosterone imbalance and learn how and when to boost it naturally.

It’s Dysautonomia — Not Laziness
Dysautonomia is a health condition referring to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. Learn how it affects various bodily systems.
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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.