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92 articles tagged Scholarly
'Worried man at computer'

California Health Law Hurts Consumers

A law designed to protect health consumers has ended up hurting them.

Education 'Blonde man juggling balls'

Do You Have Multipotentiality?

What do you call a Jack of all trades who is a master of each? Society belittles the notion, but how do you enjoy life as one of these unique individuals?

Technology 'Doctor reviewing medical records with patient'

Future of Electronic Health Records

As countries continue deploying EHRs, both hospitals and patients benefit from digital access to personal health information.

Mental health 'Diversity in medical office meeting'

Regulate Workplace Mental Health Stigma

Using regulations in the workplace to manage stress can help reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues.

Disability 'Amputee mother with toddler'

Physical Disability and Pregnancy

Bestowing the gift of life is not limited to able-bodied women. How can those with physical limitations overcome the challenges?

Relationships 'Couple with intimacy issues'

Happy in Sexless Relationship

While some endure intimacy depreciation, others are able to improve their sex lives. If you find yourself in a sexual impasse, how can you overcome it?

Oncology 'Smiling female cancer patient'

New Normal After Cancer Treatment

This orientation provides comfort to patients undergoing cancer treatment, which affects their physical, neurological, and emotional health.

Addictions 'Psychedelic paintbrush artwork'

LSD Unfair Creative Advantage?

For more than half a century, mind-altering psychedelic drugs have played a significant role in artistic perception. What new trends affect your creative aspirations?

Relationships 'Young married couple in bed'

Sex vs Procreation

Both hormonal youths and older persons who long for companion­ship are often excited to experiment without regard for consequences.

Nutrition 'Broccoli, chicken and rice'

Eating Low-Oxalate Foods

Organically occurring within many foods you eat, too many oxalates can lead to health problems. Discuss these oxalate-reduction strategies with a medical professional.

Rheumatology 'Female lupus facial blemishes'

Suppress Cutaneous Lupus Breakouts

Lupus can be so debilitating that you want to retreat into the solitude of your home. With proper care, you needn’t be a prisoner.

Mental health 'Seated pensive man'

Working With Mental Health Stigma

Companies must make it easy for employees to request psychiat­ric help from the HR depart­ment to prevent emotional and financial repercussions.


Fictional stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.