'Sexy seated female in red dress'

Distinguish Sexuality from Objectification

Discover how objectification harms self-esteem and relationships in this thought-provoking article.

Neurology 'Man with hands on forehead'

Understand Headache Causes

A comprehensive breakdown of common headaches. Gain a deeper understanding of everything from brain tumor fears to lifestyle influences.

Neurology 'Teen emo girls'

Are Young Adults Undeveloped?

According to neuroimaging studies, adolescent brains continue maturing through age 25. What are the implications on legal, social, and emotional young adult life?

Woman 'Intimate senior couple'

Coping with Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness can be a difficult topic to discuss, but it is important for women’s sexual health. Discover ways to improve intimacy and pleasure.

Disability 'Mother teaching child with Autism'

Functioning on Autism Spectrum

Curious about Autism Spectrum Disorder? Discover its impact on communication, social interaction, with valuable tips for parents.


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Jealousy Pros and Cons

Jealousy is a natural human emotion that can impact our relationships and overall well-being. Explore the science behind jealousy and its complex effects.

Urology 'Female knees on toilet'

Maintain a Healthy Bladder

Would you like to maintain a healthy urinary tract? Check out these simple tips for preventing infections and promoting overall urinary health.

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Single-Parent Childrearing

As a mother raising young children after divorce or separation, reconciliation may sometimes be a beneficial path. Find out why.

Woman 'Female giving birth'

Does Childbirth Require Episiotomy?

Cut my what? Some medical experts are questioning the need for episiotomies during childbirth. Learn the alternatives and when it’s necessary.

Woman 'Female holding grapefruits in front of breasts'

Coping With Saggy Breasts

Healthy breasts are more important than perkiness. Yet societal messaging affects how women feel about their bodies. Here are ways to improve firmness.

Internist 'Worried man at computer'

California Health Law Hurts Consumers

A law designed to protect health consumers has ended up hurting them.

Education 'Blonde man juggling balls'

Do You Have Multipotentiality?

What do you call a Jack of all trades who is a master of each? Society belittles the notion, but how do you enjoy life as one of these unique individuals?


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.