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123 articles tagged Nutrition
'Herbs For Cooking, Not Smoking'

Herbs For Cooking, Not Smoking

The best way to get used to cooking with herbs is to grow and use them. These popular herbs will make your meals sing like a 1960s music duo.

Food 'Plea For Vegetarianism'

Plea For Plant-Based Diet

The dependence upon meat is disproportionate to the benefit. You don’t crave meat as much as you do protein.

Food 'Green salad with crunchy toppings'

Healthy Eating Without Shopping

Your health goals will be un­success­ful if you are not the one grocery shop­ping or prepar­ing meals in your household.

Woman 'Mother breastfeeding newborn baby'

Why Breast Milk is The Best Formula

Packaged formula for newborn babies saves time for mothers with secular careers. Here are ways and reasons to provide breast milk even with a busy schedule.

Food 'Fresh bottled juices'

Satisfied Without Solid Food

You don’t want to do it. And I don’t recommend it. But how long could you live without solid food?


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Food 'Train Yourself To Eat Less'

Train Yourself To Eat Less

Most people keep eating until they are full. But this is not a good indicator of when to put your fork down.

Addictions 'People With Anorexia Don’t See Thin'

Anorexics Don’t See Thin

There are several causes for eating disorders. The solu­tion to anorexia nervosa is not as simple as eating more. Anorexics are trying to look normal.

Nutrition 'Acquire Taste For Water'

Acquire Taste For More Water

Before drinking necessary amounts of water, you have to stomach the taste. Tap water differs among major cities, rural areas, and costal communities.

Fitness 'Woman awakening tired'

Begin Your Day With More Energy

The amount of energy your body has to power through the day depends on what you do the night before and how you start your morning.

Gerontology 'How To Age Gracefully'

How To Age Gracefully

Women may worry about menopause and sagging breasts. Men battle enlarg­ing prostate, hair loss, and more.

Nutrition 'Lose Weight Without Dieting'

Lose Weight Without Dieting

Like a rubber band, every time you diet, the weight comes right back. It is time for a different approach.

Fitness 'Poolside female swimmer'

Sculpt A Healthy Happy Bikini Body

Are you ready to strap on swim­wear before lounging pool­side while social dis­tanc­ing? Follow these tips to get in shape for the summer.


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