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50 articles tagged Mental health
'Help For Bipolar Disorder'
Mental health

Gain Control of Bipolar Disorder

Uncontrollable outbursts or hyper­activity contrasting periods of depression could be signs of mental illness for which treatment is available.

Individual 'Female examining ambiguous genitalia'

Born With Ambiguous Genitalia

Under two percent of infants include atypical sex organs. What are the criteria for determination? Who decides the gender of infants, and what does it look like?

Mental health 'Narcissistic Behavior'

Manifesting Narcissistic Behavior

If you have narcissistic person­ality disorder, the people around you share your problem. How can this affect work relationships?

Mental health 'Coronavirus Fatigue vs Pandemic Fatigue'

Cope With Pandemic Fatigue

Outdated: With or without a COVID-19 diagnosis, your sleep may not be rejuvenating, you have cognitive dysfunction, and little strength to accomplish physical tasks.

Emotions 'Coping With Emotions During Pandemic'

Pandemic Emotional Toil

What happens when anxiety over­takes a signifi­cant portion of the popula­tion? If you are feeling over­whelmed, reach out for help before it escalates.


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Addictions 'Avoid Cybersex'

Avoid Risqué Videos

Have you begun the down­ward spiral into sex addic­tion? Do not allow your­self to become a victim of cybersex.

Addictions 'Selfie Addiction'

Selfie Culture Syndrome

Snapping self-photos can become addictive. How do you know when it has gotten out of control?

Immunology 'Life During Pandemic Era'

Your New Normal

Outdated: Moving toward normalcy will be gradual and regional. Despite trials, you are a survi­vor. You have the ability to persist.

Emotions 'Time Management For Obsessive People'

Obsessive Time Management

General time manage­ment sugges­tions are plan for failure among those with obses­sive personali­ties, unless you keep it simple.

Addictions 'Managing Your Obsessions'

Managing Your Obsessions

Learn to prioritize. With cognitive beha­vioral therapy, this is possible for those with OCPD and to a lesser degree for someone with OCD.

Emotions 'Tired of Depression'

Tired of Depression

To keep you from spiraling down a path of drug depen­dency or abuse, doctors hesi­tate to pre­scribe sleep aids. Instead, they recommend talk therapy.

Emotions 'Treatments for Panic Disorders'

Don’t Panic Attack

Sudden fear of unexplained impending danger can hinder normal activities. Panic attacks are sympto­matic of a serious medical condition.


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.