What turns you on? Is it something normally unrelated to intimacy? How does a fetish develop and how can negative consequences be averted?

Working With Mental Health Stigma
Companies must make it easy for employees to request psychiatric help from the HR department to prevent emotional and financial repercussions.

Outdated: With ever-present reminders of mortality, seniors struggle to remain hopeful during the pandemic.

This doctor thought she could navigate U.S. health care. Then her autistic son needed help.

Aduhelm Alzheimer’s Drug Controversy
Medicare and healthcare providers battle expensive drug with questionable results. Inside the tug of war over a controversial Alzheimer’s prescription.

College Students Need Therapists
Amid a nationwide shortage, colleges and universities are struggling to keep up with the demand for mental health services.

Troubled Teen Industry Loopholes
Residential youth treatment programs sometimes use questionable methods for behavioral health issues. Despite state laws, families still complain.

You Can’t Compete With Bulimia
Binging and purging to maintain a comfortable appearance is not a strategy. It is a health problem.

Cutting Pattern of Self-Injury
Are you prone to cut, burn, or hurt yourself in other ways to cope with emotional stresses? Help is available before it becomes a pattern.

Draw strength from the stories of men and women who overcome shackles of emotional obstacles to renew their lives.
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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.