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151 articles tagged Internist
'No Free Pass For Masks'

No Free Pass For Masks

Outdated: Experts say there are very few medical reasons that prevent people from wearing masks.

Internist 'Are Doctors Thorough Enough?'

Are Your Doctors Thorough Enough?

Doctor visits should be enlighten­ing not a battle of whits. How can you survive consulta­tion without confro­nta­tion?

Internist '6 Reasons Doctors Give You a Cold Should'

Why Some Doctors May Avoid You

It is not your imagination. Physicians are distancing themselves from you, both in professional and social settings.

Immunology 'African Americans Fear Flu and Covid Vaccines'

Blacks Fear Flu and Covid Shots

A variety of rationales fuel the inocu­la­tion aversion. Few are valid but con­spir­acy theories persist, leading to adverse Covid outcomes.

Immunology 'Aerosolized Virus Too Scary to Admit'

Adapting To Aerosolized Virus

Outdated: This takes the coronavirus to a whole new level. What precautions must people take when air, in the absence of people, is contagious?

Pulmonology 'Your Lungs Cannot Tell The Difference'

Lungs Cannot Tell Difference

You might respond negatively if someone asks if are you a smoker. But if you are frequently around smoking, do your lungs know the difference?

Nutrition 'Pandemic Nutrition'

Pandemic Nutrition

While sheltering in place, we might not get enough food variety for the nutrients we need. These vitamin supple­ments may be necessary.

Neurology 'Welcome To A Migraine Symphony'

Welcome To A Migraine Symphony

This vivid narrative describes vertiginous migraine symptoms with orchestral language. Then it uncovers a mysterious trigger.

Gastroenterology 'Hemorrhoids, Polyps, Hernias or Worse'

Hemorrhoids, Polyps, Hernias or Worse

What may appear to be similar disorders have distinct charac­teristics that a gastro­entero­logist notices.

Cardiology 'Cholesterol Highs and Lows'

Cholesterol Highs and Lows

Most doctors have patient cholesterol guide­lines. Some grapple with the assertion of no evidence to support a specific choles­terol target level.

Nutrition 'How Much Is Enough Protein?'

Consume Enough Protein

Based on a research study, there may be a direct correlation between protein consumption, muscle atrophy and obesity.

Woman 'Clinical Distinctions of Male vs Female Nipples'

Male vs Female Nipple Distinctions

The ultimate appearance has no standard beyond what the entertainment media pro­motes. Nipple size and color charts depict normal nipple sizes and position.


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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.