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151 articles tagged Internist
'Black woman receives vaccination'

Who Gets Stronger Flu Vaccine?

Each year standard and high-dose influenza vaccines are available. Why are black and hispanic seniors left with a less powerful flu vaccine?

Prescriptions 'Female shoulder bandage'

Pharmacy Diagnosis and Treatment

Despite concern of doctors, pharmacists get more leeway to offer treatment with testing. Does this endanger or enhance healthcare?

Prescriptions 'How You Can Afford Expensive Drugs'

How You Can Afford Expensive Drugs

Listen to the Lillian Karabaic podcast to learn how to navigate high pharmaceutical prices for necessary prescriptions.

Prescriptions 'Asian senior couple'

California Clinics to Cut Medicaid Rx

Budget cuts may cause California clinics provid­ing essen­tial Medicaid pre­scrip­tions to shut down. Some clinics may begin charging for drugs.

Internist 'Operating room doctors'

International Nurses Fill Hospital Pandemic Shortage

Outdated: Billings Clinic is just one of the scores of hospitals across the U.S. looking abroad to ease a shortage of nurses worsened by the pandemic.

Internist 'High-tech doctor'

Move Healthcare Forward

Forward is ideal for either young people without health insurance or for pre-Medicare patients with insurance that want quick and easy access to health questions.

Nephrology 'Hands holding smartphone on toilet'

Urinalysis Nightmare

A man discovers an unsettling sight during a bathroom visit that leads to a sequence of rapid medical events with laggard resolution.

Food 'Plea For Vegetarianism'

Plea For Plant-Based Diet

The dependence upon meat is disproportionate to the benefit. You don’t crave meat as much as you do protein.

Dermatology 'How and Why Keep Wounds Dry'

Why Keep Wounds Dry

Wounds heal from the upper layer of skin, downward. To form a scab, blood clots and dries. How and why do you keep it dry?

Dermatology 'Necrotizing Fasciitis'

Necrotizing Fasciitis Danger

See a doctor right away if you have these symptoms after an injury or surgery.

Nephrology 'Your Kidney is A Pain in the Back'

Your Kidney is a Pain in the Back

Problem kidneys can be manifested by changes in urination, backaches, fatigue, and in other ways.

Nutrition 'Acquire Taste For Water'

Acquire Taste For More Water

Before drinking necessary amounts of water, you have to stomach the taste. Tap water differs among major cities, rural areas, and costal communities.


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