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45 articles tagged Gastroenterology
'Why Sleepy After Eating?'

Tired of Eating

There are several reasons for sleepiness after eating. Most are not serious and are corrected with nutrition and behavior modification.

Gastroenterology '15 Reasons For Constipation'

Managing Constipation

Four days without a move­ment can signal a medical emer­gen­cy. Hydrate fre­quent­ly, exercise daily, eat balanced meals, and avoid laxa­tive over­use.

Food 'Blend Better Smoothies'

Blend Better Smoothies

Which NutriBullet is best? Without a proper blender, we might settle on high-caloric ice cream with protein powder.

Clinical science 'A Little Monsanto In Each of Us'

A Little Monsanto GMO in Each of Us

Genetically modified organ­isms are in our refri­gera­tors, on our shelves, and likely in our diges­tive system right now.

Food 'Make Smoothies That Satisfy Hunger'

Are You A Smoothie Criminal?

Several factors determine whether your smoothies are satisfying and healthy. Cut through the misinformation and learn what science reveals.

Gastroenterology 'Chronic Pain Complicated By Gastritis'

Chronic Pain Complicated By Gastritis

To rule out severe gastritis complications, it is best to consult a physician when home remedies are ineffective.

Gastroenterology 'How to Shed Massive Weight'

Where Lost Weight Goes

Science does not support the notion of remark­able weight loss by typical waste elimina­tion. Compare current methods to treat morbid obesity.

Nutrition 'One Portion Size For All?'

Should Everyone Eat Same Portion Size?

Differences in meal frequency, food type, plate clearing or compensation at subsequent meals, may explain increasing obesity.

Nutrition 'Vitamin D Deficiency and Sources'

Do You Have Enough Vitamin D?

What seems like a simple question baffles many people with low vitamin D, and the doctors who treat them.

Nutrition 'Fish oil pills and lemon'

Why Fish Oil is Dangerous

Many fish oil products are rancid before consumers get them home. Weigh risks and benefits of fish oil supplements.

Nutrition 'Why Diets Don’t Work'

Why Diets Don’t Work

One problem with fad diets is the imbalance of nutrition. I’m losing more than a pound per week without dieting. Find out how.

Oncology 'Pancreas artwork'

Why Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms Are Easy To Miss

Pancreatic adenocarcinoma cancer has a one-year relative survival rate of 20 percent. Pancreatic neuro­endo­crine five-year survival rate is about 60 percent.


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