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Too much heat or too many chemicals can damage hair follicles. This results in a form of alopecia that requires dermatologists and cosmetologists.
Weaves provide style and volume to thin hair. Without the proper technique, you can end up with less hair than you began. Here is how to grow hair.
Wounds heal from the upper layer of skin, downward. To form a scab, blood clots and dries. How and why do you keep it dry?
See a doctor right away if you have these symptoms after an injury or surgery.
Women may worry about menopause and sagging breasts. Men battle enlarging prostate, hair loss, and more.
Home-Office Workaholic Dangers
Working at home is convenient, but your body needs rest. Too little sleep leads to fatigue. It also impairs skin and cognitive function.
Facial Moisturizers in Your Kitchen
People spend much money for creams, serums, and moisturizers that, ounce-for-ounce, cost significantly more than natural ingredients on kitchen shelves.
The AAD recommends annual full-body examinations for new moles or unexplained blemishes. When do moles warrant further investigation?
Your skin begins hardening. What factors suggest internal organ damage? How can this require dermatology, rheumatology, and pulmonology experts?
It is best to examine the area before scratching, which alters appearance of the skin, can cause infection and post-resolution scaring.
Washing your face once or twice per day with a mild cleanser before patting dry is one way to keep skin healthy. Are you ready to go deeper?
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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.