'Patients Monitoring Prescriptions'

Patients Must Monitor Prescriptions

In our healthcare system, physicians rarely monitor individual reaction to prescrip­tions. Evaluating drug response transfers to patients.

Dermatology 'Is The SkinGun Real?'

Is The SkinGun Real?

Outdated: RenovaCare and Jörge C. Gerlach of McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine assert that large areas of burned skin can be renewed within a few days.

Cosmetology 'Microblading Your Scalp'

Microblading Your Scalp

Scalp microblading may not be a viable option for people with alopecia areata. Who gets it and at what cost?

Nutrition 'Coronavirus News For Seniors'

Coronavirus News For Seniors

Outdated: California meals for and news about new coronavirus symptoms for senior citizens.

Cosmetology '7 Tips for Model-Like Skin'

Seven Tips for Model-Like Skin

The flawless complexion of a fashion model is second most desirable skin. Incorporate ways to get model-like skin into your daily routine.

Nutrition 'Beautiful female face'

Eat Your Way To Healthy Skin

Feed your skin healthy, nourishing foods and see your skin glow with happi­ness, health, and sunshine!

Dermatology 'Dangers of Hydroquinone'

Dark Side of Hydroquinone

Why dermatologists are cautious about prescribing hydro­qui­none, which is one of the most effec­tive skin lighten­ing agents.

Neurology 'Are You Too Young For Shingles?'

Are You Too Young For Shingles?

Sooner or later, you'll probably get the debilitating disease, shingles. The severity depends on what you do in advance.

Woman 'Most Reliable Cellulite and Stretch Mark Treatments'

Cellulite and Stretch Mark Treatments

Who gets stretch marks and cellulite? What causes them and, most importantly, how can you minimize their appearance?

Gastroenterology 'How to Shed Massive Weight'

Where Lost Weight Goes

Science does not support the notion of remark­able weight loss by typical waste elimina­tion. Compare current methods to treat morbid obesity.

Prescriptions 'Why Patients Disregard Prescriptions'

Why Patients Disregard Prescriptions

Half of patients do not comply with prescription label directions. Here are reasons why with suggestions for improving medication adherence.

Dermatology 'What Does Hypoallergenic Mean?'

What is Hypoallergenic?

Experiencing rashes or itching from wearing certain metals can make jewelry shopping a challenge. Hypoallergenic is commonly misunderstood.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


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