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36 articles tagged Body image
'Undersize bra foam bra padding'

How To Pad Your Bra

To make a favorable impression or turn heads at a party, consider options for healthy women with petite breasts.

Cosmetology 'Attractive woman portrait'

How Attractive Are You?

You do not need someone to validate your attractive­ness. Here is a simple formula to rate yourself and determine what things you can do to improve.

Dermatology 'Botox and Dermal Fillers'

Botox and Dermal Fillers

There are differences between inject­ables. How far are you willing to go to preserve your youth­ful appearance?

Cosmetology 'Cosmetics For Melasma'

Blend Cosmetics To Conceal Melasma

Skin lightening creams are ineffective. So getting familiar with appropriate cosmetics can boost your self esteem.

Nutrition 'Woman bingeing on donut'

You Can’t Compete With Bulimia

Binging and purg­ing to main­­tain a com­fort­­able appear­­ance is not a strategy. It is a health problem.

Dermatology 'Vitiligo Arm'

Spotlight on Vitiligo

As a person with vitiligo, you no longer have to live in obscurity. Vitiligans are stepping into the spotlight with prominent careers.

Cosmetology 'Styles For Little-To-No Hair'

Styles For Little-To-No Hair

You can’t turn back time to when hair dangled past your shoulders. But you can turn envious heads when entering a room with a shaved head or short haircut.

Addictions 'People With Anorexia Don’t See Thin'

Anorexics Don’t See Thin

There are several causes for eating disorders. The solu­tion to anorexia nervosa is not as simple as eating more. Anorexics are trying to look normal.

Gerontology 'How To Age Gracefully'

How To Age Gracefully

Women may worry about menopause and sagging breasts. Men battle enlarg­ing prostate, hair loss, and more.

Fitness 'Poolside female swimmer'

Sculpt A Healthy Happy Bikini Body

Are you ready to strap on swim­wear before lounging pool­side while social dis­tanc­ing? Follow these tips to get in shape for the summer.


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