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44 articles tagged Body image
'Woman shaving pubic area'

Safely Shaving Your Pubes

How you groom your pubic hair is a personal choice. Women are generally more fastidious about grooming below the waist.

Cosmetology 'Freckle-face young woman'

5 Cosmetic Secrets For Freckles

Don’t cover up freckles with cosmetic concealers. Those spots define you. So wear makeup that celebrates them in the best light.

Individual 'Female examining ambiguous genitalia'

Born With Ambiguous Genitalia

Under two percent of infants include atypical sex organs. What are the criteria for determination? Who decides the gender of infants, and what does it look like?

Mental health 'Narcissistic Behavior'

Manifesting Narcissistic Behavior

If you have narcissistic person­ality disorder, the people around you share your problem. How can this affect work relationships?

Woman 'Clinical Distinctions of Male vs Female Nipples'

Male vs Female Nipple Distinctions

The ultimate appearance has no standard beyond what the entertainment media pro­motes. Nipple size and color charts depict normal nipple sizes and position.

Addictions 'Selfie Addiction'

Selfie Culture Syndrome

Snapping self-photos can become addictive. How do you know when it has gotten out of control?

Cosmetology '7 Tips for Model-Like Skin'

Seven Tips for Model-Like Skin

The flawless complexion of a fashion model is second most desirable skin. Incorporate ways to get model-like skin into your daily routine.

Woman 'Most Reliable Cellulite and Stretch Mark Treatments'

Cellulite and Stretch Mark Treatments

Who gets stretch marks and cellulite? What causes them and, most importantly, how can you minimize their appearance?

Gastroenterology 'How to Shed Massive Weight'

Where Lost Weight Goes

Science does not support the notion of remark­able weight loss by typical waste elimina­tion. Compare current methods to treat morbid obesity.

Endocrinology 'Break the Biological Weight Barrier'

Break the Biological Weight Barrier

Scientists believe each indivi­dual has a genetically dete­rmined weight range. Do physio­logi­cal chemi­cals or meta­bolic syn­drome hinder weight loss?

Woman 'Frightened black girl beneath sheets'

Protect Girls From Mutilation

Female genital mutilation, done by cutters or medical doctors, can cause long-term physical and emotional problems.

Endocrinology 'Can hereditary obesity be reversed?'

Obese Because of Hypothyroidism

Being overweight has medical and social conse­quences. Can it be a glan­dular problem? If so how is it treated?


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