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28 articles tagged Backache
'Pain sufferer'

Step Into Shoes of Chronic Pain Sufferers

Chronic pain sufferers need more endurance. Whether you are a friend, loved one or personal physician, here is an introduction to the world of these heroes that deserve our support.

Orthopedics 'Cortisone Knee Injection'

Pros and Cons of Cortisone Injections

People who are not ill respond differently to the mention of medication side effects than those who are patients. Take cortisone, for example.

Technology 'CT and PET Scan vs MRI'

CT and PET Scan vs MRI

Outdated: MRI can be a figurative black hole into which a patient may be inserted to see what comes out. This article elucidates differences between common imaging technologies.

Orthopedics 'You May Not Have to Suffer Through Chronic Back Pain'

Don’t Suffer Through Back Pain

Low back pain health remedies used to totter between popping anti-inflammatory drugs through­out the day and surgical vertebral fusion with bolts and plates.


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