Is Acupuncture Out of The Question?
Patients obtaining a measure of relief with acupuncture swear it cures everything. How does it work and what are realistic expectations?

Spinal surgery for scoliosis is more of an aesthetic remedy than a medical resolution. What are the considerations before going under the knife?

Cope With Psychology of Chronic Pain
Coping with chronic pain that alters how you live your daily life can transcend the care medical doctors provide.

Schmorl Node Vertical Disc Herniation Pain
Historically considered clinically insignificant, Schmorl’s nodes can be an active symptom or cause of pain in some patients.

Industry has advanced on the buttocks of graphic artists, programmers, truck drivers and office workers who sacrifice their rears with irreparable harm.

Mold Causes Vertigo, Rash, Backache and Chronic Fatigue
Are you a business or homeowner considering professional water-damage remediation? Are you a renter trying to convince a landlord to properly treat mold and mildew?
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