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Kidney Stone Diagnosis Complications
Simple tasks like lifting boxes, rising out of bed, or putting on socks became a test of endurance. Why has this baffled doctors for years?

Imagine yourself tracing an “S” or moving like a snake as you perform this simple stretching exercise in bed before rising.

If you suffer from recurring acute back pain, you might have a form of inflammatory arthritis that limits your mobility.

Why Doctors Won’t Fix Your Back
Pain in your lower back is excruciating most days. But for years, your doctor explores options other than orthopedic surgery. Why the hesitation?

Is Acupuncture Out of The Question?
Patients obtaining a measure of relief with acupuncture swear it cures everything. How does it work and what are realistic expectations?

Narrowing Down Spinal Stenosis
Nerve compression transcends physical strength to immobilize the most powerful patients. How can you differentiate stenosis and resume normal activities?

Spinal surgery for scoliosis is more of an aesthetic remedy than a medical resolution. What are the considerations before going under the knife?

In the absence of a well-defined body of evidence, early symptoms of percolating problems may be misdiagnosed or ignored.

Successfully Treating Sciatic Pain
How to endure and treat sciatica with persistence and multidisciplinary cooperation.

Much of the debate involves blamestorming — fining manufacturers and punishing physicians. Are patients benefiting or suffering?

Living With Pain Relievers is Not Entirely Pain-Free
Are you dependent upon pain relievers to perform daily tasks? Untreated chronic pain can have dangerous physical and emotional consequences.

Cope With Psychology of Chronic Pain
Coping with chronic pain that alters how you live your daily life can transcend the care medical doctors provide.
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This information does not constitute professional medical care or legal advice. Discuss personal concerns with your doctor or legal advisor.