
Enjoy free fictional short story episodes each week. Membership unlocks a library of emotionally immersive and interactive experiences with images, audio, and music.
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92 episodes tagged Short story
'Mature woman transporter'

Rebirth Portal

Premiere: Scientists discover a method for getting a second life. But most who qualify cannot surmount two important requirements, until the ingenious discovery in this sci-fi miniseries.

'DJ at rave party'

Creative Career Acid Test

In this colorful short story, a young lady begins her career as a visual artist but soon finds herself fighting vices on the path to success.

Finale 'Vials and needle'

Vial of Anguish E2

The only way to determine the true cause of his sister’s mysterious death is to confront those dear to Thomas in this short story conclusion.

'Injecting insulin'

Vial of Anguish

Premiere: A brother’s concern tortures his mind and nearly rips a family apart, as he seeks to resolve inward groaning over his sibling’s suspicious demise.

'Female scientist with DNA'

The Day You Turned

An adult human test subject revisits childhood life to grow up within a more technically advanced world with a surpris­ing outcome in this sci-fi short story.

Finale 'Hilltop Mediterranean homes'

Breath of Paradise E3

With wedding plans crushed by illness, Francesca reluctantly seeks comfort from family with undesirable effects in this remarkable miniseries conclusion.


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Romance 'Homeless man laying on street'

Breath of Paradise E2

Mediterranean Algiers is under attack and suffer­ing many casualties, but not from war. Survival requires caution and ingenuity.

'Palazzo Medici Courtyard'

Breath of Paradise

Premiere: A 15th-century commercial building designer feels his value diminishing as the Renaissance era catapults other architects into the spotlight, where history, geography, and romance merge.

'Colorful dancing female'

Phat Phunkdom

In this melodic flash fiction, a young Black woman with ambitions of becoming a hip-hop phenom­enon must overcome increas­ing abdominal pain that she suspects may indicate cancer.

Scifi 'Romantic dinner table'

Technically an Archeologist E2

An innocent visit to a technology store leads to bizarre events that witnesses follow up with dinner in this sci-fi episode.

'Technically an Archeologist E1'

Technically an Archeologist

Premiere: During a visit to pick up new equipment, a techno­logy customer discovers an unlikely hero, with hopeful romance, in this sci-fi short story.


Fictional health stories written like movies and formatted like books


Informative, sometimes evocative, health and wellness articles


Useful articles about emerging technology and marketing

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