Premiere: A clinical researcher develops an interest in memory preservation to enhance wisdom. This leads him on a scientific and spiritual journey.
With no apparent place to run, Mason Douglas surrenders to police and attempts to explain the mistaken identity.
Premiere: A quick run into a convenience store for snacks transforms a man’s simple life into front-page news when he encounters a very familiar robber.
Carl must either find a path back home or out of what is becoming a waking nightmare in this surreal short story conclusion.
Premiere: A man who experiences recurring dreams and has a history of sleepwalking wakes up in unfamiliar surroundings that transport his mind on surreal journeys.
With mounting evidence and changing stories, the matriarch of a dysfunctional family requests a plea deal in this troubling conclusion.
Taking time from work, a frantic mother seeks answers from authorities to why her life is falling apart.
Premiere: Eve’s bundle of joy is becoming a suspicious body of terror as she tries to prevent the portentous outcome of warring siblings in this mysterious short story.
A healthcare provider bonds with a mature patient as they endeavor to fulfill mutual promises.
Premiere: A mature victim of violence finds himself in a convalescent home where a young nurse uncovers the fascinating life story of this isolated patient.
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